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Learn Nature-Based Relaxation Tools for your Clients and for Yourself

Donderdag 09 mei 2024 van 17:00 tot 18:30


Over dit evenement

This is an invitation for you to join the free online session Learn Nature-Based Relaxation Tools for your Clients and for Yourself.

It's an experiential and informative session about the easy and well accessible nature-based relaxation tools and practices that you can use for your clients as a helping professional, and for yourself and your own well-being.

Using the nature-based tools and practices that I'll share with you will not only help your clients receive your work on a much deeper level. They will also have a greater capacity for self-reflection and experience the spaciousness to implement any necessary changes into their life faster, from a place beyond cognition. The seeds of your work with them will start growing in a more profound way. Your clients will feel more connected with themselves and with the greater whole of nature, and your work with them will be perceived as not only even more effective but also extremely enjoyable.

The same tools you can use for yourself to experience more work-life balance, to also receive as you're giving so much. They will allow you to be able to be really present with both your clients and your family or partner.

Including nature as an active partner for our work as a helping professional is not just about taking our clients outdoors. The skills that I can teach you will help you and your clients slow down their brain waves and become more receptive to both nature's and your help and wisdom.

My name is Kat Novotna and I'm an ANFT certified forest therapy guide, former ANFT trainer, nature-based well-being mentor, teacher of presence, founder of EcoNIDRA and trainer of EcoNIDRA teachers worldwide. It will be a great pleasure for me to meet you, connect with you, to share my tools and experience with you, and let you experience some of them in this session!

To learn more about my work, you can have a look at

The time of this session is 5pm Amsterdam | 4pm GMT | 8am PST and 11am EST. Please double check your time at
You will receive a Zoom link to join after your registration.

I'm very much looking forward to connecting with you!

Kindest regards,


Over de organisatie

“Match your heartbeat to the beat of the universe. Match your nature with Nature.”

Hoe zou je leven eruitzien als je echt uitgerust bent? De natuur als partner voor meer rust, vitaliteit, verbinding en transformatie.


Joost Van Pagee

Gratis EcoNIDRA & Wat het inhoudt om EcoNIDRA teacher te zijn

Dank je Kat. Wat een hartverwarmende zachte kracht heb jij. Ben jij. Ik kan volledig ontspannen van en tijdens jouw EcoNidra sessie. Je stelt me volledig op mijn gemak en mede daardoor mag ik helemaal zakken en thuiskomen bij mezelf. Alles in mij ontspant. Ik voel vrede in mijn lijf en geest. Ik voel vrijheid en rust. Ik voel en ervaar stilte in het zijn en mogen zijn. Ik ben fan van jou Kat en ook van de EcoNidra. Dat wat jij deelt en uitdraagt, is precies wat de aarde en wij allemaal nodig hebben. AHO

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Ilse Fortuin

Gratis EcoNIDRA & Wat het inhoudt om EcoNIDRA teacher te zijn

Ik heb een superervaring gehad. Ik voelde me redelijk gespannen voor de EcoNidra sessie. Door de uitleg vooraf en de begeleiding tijdens de sessie van Kat kon ik me al snel ontspannen en werd wakker na de sessie. Heerlijk zeker een aanrader! Liefs Ilse

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Helend, verdiepend, ontspannend. Aanrader!

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