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SO CEE Lifestyle

Healing, Lichtcirkels, Retraites, Tantra, Kundalini, Sjamanisme, Koppel sessies, Tempels, High Priestess journey, Plant wisdom, Embodiement, CBC Dance

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Evenementen van SO CEE Lifestyle

Donderdag, 08 aug. om 18:00
Microdose Rose Journey
SO CEE Lifestyle
Plantmedicijn Innerlijke Reis Truffel Ceremonie
Maandag, 08 apr. om 20:00
Christus Lichtcirkel - Zelfliefde & Zelfregie - Heling op afstand
SO CEE Lifestyle
Healing Trauma Release Zelfliefde
Vrijdag, 09 feb. om 11:00
Couple Retreat. A Tantric journey of love & union, Valentines Special
SO CEE Lifestyle
Tantra Sjamanisme Relaties
Woensdag, 15 nov. om 20:00
Kundalini - A soft Cosmic Flow of Union
SO CEE Lifestyle
Kundalini Energiewerk Kundalini activatie
Zaterdag, 11 nov. om 20:00
11/11 Lightcircle - Portal of Union - Cosmic Healing
SO CEE Lifestyle
Innerlijke Reis Inwijdingen Energiewerk
“You are the embodiement of love and union. Plant your sacred seeds by heart.”

Over de organisatie

My heart is filled with love, to assist you in remembering you, that you are here to embody your full divine angelic being into human form. You are here to become more aware of your authentic self. To use your multidimensional gifts, for co-creating heaven on earth. We are shifting as a collective to a higher consciousness. A new Golden timeline. This is a super inspiring and challenging time, inviting you deeply inwards, taking all outwards as a holy oneness, for having a true reflection to grow and evolve.

The truth of who we truly are can be found within our sacred hearts of oneness. This is the energy of unconditional love and union. The vibrating frequency of our pure essence, that we all are.

You have the right to be a unique flame, spreading and planting seeds of the Holy Sophia-Christ Consciousness. This is the energy of union. To embody this sacredness, to live your highest timelines on earth. You are a your own mentor, assisting yourself to become more magnetic. My healing packages assist you into coming home, deeper within you. Building a strong anchor to feel at home in your temple; your loving body. From there to refind your true selfmaster within you.
You are here to learn from different experiences in life, according to your soul blueprint. Not all are easy, and it is important to nourish, hold space and have a soft compassion for that as well. I feel blessed to guide you in your journey of healing and self-empowerment. We are all teachers and students on the path towards home-coming in our true essence. No one is more or less important. We are all even much Divine Source energy.

All we experience is part of our ascension process. It takes many lifetimes for most incarnated souls, to pass through these layers. We don't need to hurry, we actually need to slow down to fully be present with all that we are, and with all that we are surrounded with.

We are here to build new, strong and sustainable pathways of loving, relating, communicating, living, working, parenting and many more, that are free from old structures, traumatic imprints and unsafe conditions.

You can share your most vulberable self with me on a personal deep journey during my healing sessions/programms. Or you can join one of my events or retreat in a field of love and union.

Follow your own authentic alignment in where your heart wants to flow.
If we will meet, my soul is just honoring you for your presence and pure being.

Love, Carmen

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SO CEE Lifestyle

  • Rik
    Microdose Rose Journey

    Bewustwording in verschillende zaken.

    Energie moet stromen, maar omdat mijn brein er altijd tussen komt, is dat af en toe enorm lastig.
    Kan nu veel beter mijn levensenergie tot uiting brengen wat een positief effect heeft op mij en mijn omgeving.

    Heel erg blij mee!

    Lees meer
    04 september 2024 om 20:18

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