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Microdose Rose Journey

Donderdag 08 augustus 2024 van 18:00 tot 23:59

AVANI, Het Hoog 3, 5268 LL Helvoirt, Nederland

Over dit evenement

The Lionsgate is one of the most powerful portals of the year. Each year at August 8th, a high influx of Christconscious Light, the energy of love and union, is reaching our beautiful earth. The portal is a magnetic opportunity to feel the fire of your heart.

Your heart is a rose. A living power of love, rainbow light, heavenly water and passionate fire. The peddals of the rose carry romance for all heart desires. During this transmission you will be invited to be more in touch with the truthful language of your heart. To listen to 'the honest way' of her knowing.

Remember yourself: 'What I am is love. I will always be what I am.'

The microdose medicine of loving truffle, will align you more with the truth of love within and with eachother. There is light in the soul of roses. We are all co-creators of love and union, of heaven on earth.

Sophia, the Holy Mother, will guide us with Maria Magdalene, Yeshua and God, through the union of 08/08. Open yourself for a heart connected embodiement of love. Travel into the rose santuary, with yourself and/or your beloved partner(s).

This Year the portal is even stronger, as there is the holy trinity of 8 activated. 2024 is in total (2+0+2+4) = number 8. So there is a holy trinity of 08-08-08, which makes it very special to travel this day into your heart.

18.00 Arrival of your beloved being
18.30 Opening Ceremony
19.00 Rapeh & Heart Medicine Serving
(Note that all is optional, choice of free will)
19.30 Holy Prayer & Silent Heart Sitting
20.00 Inner Rose Journey
23.00 Closing Ceremony & Potluck Diner
00.00 Leaving Time Home / Sleep Integration Time
You can choose when fully grounded, to go home.
Advice: book in advance a ticket for an overnight stay, to take everything with you into your dreams.
07.30 Wake-Up Time
08.00 Body Flow Integration & Activation
08.30 Breakfast Snack & Warm Goodbye Huggs
(Morning Programm is included when you overnight in the temple)

Note that this is a guided conscious micro-dose journey. My preference is to let you connect with a deeper sensitivity of your inner world. There is a spirit in each medicine. The effect of a 'low dosage' is to me, a beautiful, enriching and touching experience. It will invite you to be even more aware of your senses, feelings and nature. My approach is softness, love, silence and heart connection. Many times, the power of 'less is more', is truthful. Let the journey support also more inner trust and give you a deep understanding of your own heart knowledge.

Donderdag 08 augustus 2024 van 18:00 tot 23:59

AVANI, Het Hoog 3, 5268 LL Helvoirt, Nederland

Over de organisatie

“You are the embodiement of love and union. Plant your sacred seeds by heart.”

Healing, Lichtcirkels, Retraites, Tantra, Kundalini, Sjamanisme, Koppel sessies, Tempels, High Priestess journey, Plant wisdom, Embodiement, CBC Dance



Microdose Rose Journey

Bewustwording in verschillende zaken. Energie moet stromen, maar omdat mijn brein er altijd tussen komt, is dat af en toe enorm lastig. Kan nu veel beter mijn levensenergie tot uiting brengen wat een positief effect heeft op mij en mijn omgeving. Heel erg blij mee!

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Microdose Rose Journey

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