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Holistic Deisy

*Cura Corazón: Balance. Nourish. Grow.* *Sacred Cacao Rituals/Circles/Workshops. *Tibetan Reiki Teacher/Therapist : Initiations, Sessions, Workshops.

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“When in times of confusion, close your eyes and open your heart to see clearly.”

Over de organisatie

Coming from Colombia and now living in The Netherlands, I have also experienced what is living and travelling around half of my lifetime. Re-adapting to constant changes shaping the person I am today.

Starting a deep healing process while surviving several times cancer, Reiki appeared as the first tool for my self-healing process in the path of rediscovering myself.

Currently I have several years of experience working with Reiki Energy Healing and now as a Reiki Teacher I feel honoured to be able to use this ancient technique to help others too.

Ceremonial Cacao came to my life while working with Reiki as well. Pure Cacao has always been my life's passion. Since I was little it was part of my family's tradition as I come from a Cacao farmer's family.

I serve to Cacao medicine in the most respectful way honouring the guardians of its sacred tradition. I am on service to Cacao Medicine as a channel in the re-connection with our purest nature and with Mother Nature itself.

I have been trained for several years , learning from Mayan elders of the tradition of Sacred Cacao from Mexico and Guatemala, together with other traditions like the Arhuacos in Colombia and other teachers as well.

I pass on  the messages of the ancestors , guardians, elders, and teachers I have been learning from along the years of this beautiful medicine in my sessions and circles too. While also serving with my personal and original touch.  

The way to get back home is through the connection with our hearts. Sacred medicines such as Cacao provide guidance and support in this path. While Reiki gives you the extra clarity and understanding you need. For me, Cacao & Reiki can complement each other consistently in the long term as I experience it myself.

One of my missions in life is to keep being of service for the community, passing on the hope and motivation for a brighter future despite any challenges in our lives, remembering to enjoy the present blessings in every day's life. 

My hope is that you feel as ready as I do to live a more meaningful life that is meant and waiting for you too!

Con amor/Much love,
Blessings to all.


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Holistic Deisy

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