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Groningen, Netherlands

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Evenementen van EshoTaiko

Vrijdag, 20 sep. om 19:00
Awaken to Your True Self
Meditatie Energiewerk Live muziek
Vrijdag, 20 sep. om 19:00
Taster - Awaken to Your True Self
Meditatie Energiewerk Live muziek

Over de organisatie

Anyone Can Learn Taiko!

No matter your level of physical fitness, or prior experience with music, you will have a beautiful experience. We start with warm-ups and stretches, then learn the basics of posture and how to hold the sticks and hit the drum. We play some fun rhythm games, and then learn a song. Our approach is warm, welcoming and inclusive.

Meditation Instruction

Zazen is a Japanese sitting meditation practice that has a 7,000 year history. Instruction begins with guidance on posture and paying attention to the breath. It is a simple, natural way to have a direct experience of your true nature; to experience the wisdom and compassion at the core of who you are. You will also have a chance to experience walking meditation.

Energy Clearing

We create a safe space for you to relax deeply and breathe. You may experience sensations of moving energy, relaxation, some energy shifting within you, while being profoundly supported and nurtured. You might experience an emotional release such as tears, yawning, or even laughing! After energy is cleared, you may find that you feel lighter, and new insights and clarity emerge.

What to Bring

Please wear clothes that are comfortable to move in and to sit cross-legged in, and be ready to remove your shoes and socks. You will want to drink plenty of water, so you may want to bring your favorite water bottle.

Meet Your Facilitators

Cathy Brouwer is an awareness coach, facilitator and guide. Born as a curious and vivacious being, she is always finding innovative ways to grow and have a joyful life. Having travelled all over this world as a backpacker, she now loves to travel in the depths and highs of awareness - of herself and with others.

After her study in Human Resources in the Netherlands, her interest turned quickly to leadership and coaching. Her mission was to bring more empowerment and joy in workplaces and in personal lives. Her love for working with energy blossomed over the years, with learning reiki as a young adult, studying different forms of meditation and massage techniques. Especially after being almost complete physically disabled at age 29 her interest in the power of the mind and alternative healing work was further awakened. She recovered within 7 years.

When Tantra came into Cathy’s life, it was like coming home. It all came together! For her Tantra means to expand awareness and to liberate. It’s a path of unifying all parts, saying YES to life, and to connecting to the authentic highest self. Now, she gladly helps others with healing work, energy clearing, Tantric Shibari, Astral Travelling (connecting and getting guidance from your higher self), intuitive bodywork and coaching.

Izzy Esho, from the U.S., is an ordained Zen Buddhist monk (since 1998) and has been joyfully playing and teaching the taiko for about 13 years. She has been living and training these last three years at Zen River Temple, north of Groningen.

"Why I Play Taiko" ~ Izzy's Story

The first time I stumbled upon a taiko group performing at an Obon Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah, I was blown away. They were dancing, drumming, moving, shouting. I knew I had to learn, and asked them if I could learn from them, but that group was from out of town and it took several more years before I found a local group that gave beginners’ classes twice a week.

For me, taiko is a spiritual practice. It is a prayer, an offering, a way to be grounded, a way to celebrate life. I love the feeling of unity in a group when we play together. It is a chance to show your inner self to the world. It is a safe place to be powerful and big, without hurting people. The feeling of connection, to the earth, to the heavens: the experience of being a channel, an empty vessel, is beyond measure."

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