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Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Energy Clearing & Past Life Regression

Maandag 22 juli 2024 van 18:45 tot 21:30

Flowmotion Energy Center, Van der Lindenlaan 2b, 1217 PK Hilversum, Nederland

Over dit evenement

On Monday, 22th of Julye, join us at our center for an enlightening workshop led by Majda Laalej. In this session, Majda will guide you through an energy clearing and a past life regression, using the QHHT modality.

Taking place in our energy room, this workshop offers a unique experience, where you will be bathed in self-healing frequencies generated by vibrations, biophotonic light, and scalar waves generated by the revolutionary EESystem technology. The environment creates a truly special atmosphere for meditation.
More information about this system:

In this immersive workshop, we will dive into the profound wisdom of Einstein's words: "Everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality."

As magnetic beings, our energy frequency shapes the reality we experience. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions ripple through the energetic fabric of the universe, influencing and being influenced in return. During challenging times, these energies can weigh us down, dimming our aura and impacting every aspect of our lives.

For this transformative experience, Majda will lead you through a soothing meditation, calling upon your Higher Self, guides, and the Archangels to cleanse and release lower frequency energies that no longer serve you.

As your energetic field clears, your frequency will soar, enabling a clearer connection to your other lives. We will then travel though the quantum field and identify a life that you need to see to help you understand and heal some aspects of your current life.

During this 2,5 hours experience, you will:

✨ Clean your chakras from unwanted energies that slow you down in your evolution and reseal your aura for protection.

✨Visit a Past Life - Through the gentle power of hypnosis, you will access forgotten memories and journey back into the annals of time. Witness the captivating stories of your previous incarnations, and gain a deeper understanding of the threads that connect your past to your present.

✨Experience the stillness of the magical EESystem Energy field.

What to prepare for the session:

- Notebook & Pen - make sure you write down all your memories as your awareness comes back to the present time. The memory may fade away just like a dream so capture it while it is fresh in your mind.
- Wear as comfortable clothes as possible, we want you to fully relax into the experience.
- Drink plenty of water 24 hours prior.

Having this type of experience is accessible to anyone, as the process has a beautiful flow. All you need to do is listen to the journey Majda will guide you through, very similarly to a guided meditation.
We will have the opportunity to share experiences and feelings about it for those who wish after each step.

If you've ever been curious about what your past lives could reveal to you, this is the perfect opportunity to raise your frequency and delve into the realms of quantum healing, unlocking the secrets of your soul's history.

Majda Laalej is a firm believer in the need of healing for personal development and growth. After working 10+ years in the Ecommerce industry she has rerouted her career towards her true heart’s wishes in order to be of service to those who wish to heal and know themselves in further depth to regain their sovereignty.

Majda is a certified Life Coach, Master NLP practitioner, Energy Healer and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner with certifications in Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH), Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (SCHH).

Workshop Language: English

*Refund Policy* All purchase is final.
PS The workshop takes place in the energy room. A two-hour Energy Enhancement session in the EESystem normally costs €110.00. Now you get an additional workshop while you are in the EEveld.

*Refund Policy* All purchases are final, but can be transferred to someone else.
On the Saturday before the event we look at the number of participants. There is a possibility that the workshop will be canceled if we have uner four participants. You will then be notified in a timely manner if this is the case.
*Preparation and after* . After purchase you will receive a message from Hipsy with important information. Read this email carefully. Because of the functioning of the energy field, it is good to take your diet into account before and afterwards.

Maandag 22 juli 2024 van 18:45 tot 21:30

Flowmotion Energy Center, Van der Lindenlaan 2b, 1217 PK Hilversum, Nederland

Reserveer je spots!

Koop je tickets direct via Hipsy. Na betaling is je deelname definitief en ontvang je je tickets per e-mail.

Over de organisatie

“When you are in the flow, everything falls into place”

Tijdens de events word je ondergedompeld in het zachte, opladende en kalm-makende energieveld van de revolutionaire EESystem technologie.

In samenwerking met

Conscious Evolution



Raise your frequency: Energy Clearing & Past Life Regression

Prachtige ervaring in een zachte, veilige en liefdevolle omgeving! 💖

Lees meer


Geef je lichaam een 🚀energie-boost🌟: intro Energy Enhancement System

Wat een heerlijke avond! Geweldig om op deze manier kennis te kunnen maken met het eesystem. Eve en Elysa zijn schatten. Ze vertellen duidelijk wat het inhoudt en wat hun inspireert. Het is een prachtig centrum waar je je meer dan welkom voelt en met een ongelofelijke boost weer naar huis gaat… 🚀💖🙏🏻

Lees meer


Ontdek jouw potentieel in de revolutionaire omgeving van het EESysteem

Weer een mooie ervaring rijker, veel waardering voor de warme omgeving die men in dit centrum weet te creëren!

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1. Kies je tickets
Futon Floor Matrass

Lay down on a comfortable futon matrass on the ground, if you prefer to meditate while layiing down in Savasana.

€ 125,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Seating spot

You meditate while sitting on a sofabed with one more person next to you.

€ 110,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Transactiekosten :
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Energy Clearing & Past Life Regression

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