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Tantric Moments - Awareness Through the Body - Sensory Awareness

Vrijdag 19 april 2024 van 19:30 tot 22:30

Edanz, Van Oldenbarneveltlaan 6, 9716 EJ Groningen, Netherlands

Over dit evenement


This weekend Amir Azoulay Is our guest-teacher in Groningen. Amir is trainer of the Educational Program Awareness Through the Body (ATB), founded in Auroville (India).

This Tantric Moments, will be an very low key oppertunity to experience some basic ATB tools. This evening we will focuess on Sensor Awareness.

Sensory awareness invites us to open the senses, refine the experience, and perceive the effect each sense has on different parts of our 'being'. It stimulates a learning process where we perceive and listen to our bodily sensations, helping us to better understand ourselves.

ATB is an innovative approach developed for children, young adults, and adults aiming to promote attention, relaxation, self-awareness, and self-regulation. The method originated in Auroville, an international community in Southeast India. ATB currently enjoys international recognition, especially in education and the field of personal development. It offers a unique program of both dynamic and stilling exercises to increase awareness and strengthen self-regulation. ATB holds the belief that each individual functions as a complex apparatus, and the method provides practical guidelines to explore within your unique functioning. Whether applied in primary or secondary education, in therapies, yoga classes, mindfulness programs, for children or adults, ATB offers playful and profound methodologies to lay a solid foundation for a life of self-awareness and self-regulation.

Amir left Israel to seek education, inspired by Eastern philosophy, and spent three years exploring various educational forms throughout India. His journey with ATB began in 2002 when he moved to the international community of Auroville. He has been trained as an ATB facilitator/trainer under the guidance of the founders of this approach, Aloka Martí and Joan Sala. Since then, he has focused on practicing ATB in Auroville schools and offering workshops for adults in India, Israel, Europe, and North America.

This weekend ATB 1 will be held in Groninen. ATB 1 is the basic introductionary weekend for the education method.

An evening to connect, first of all with yourself then with others.
We explore together how we relate to life. We use exercises, where the orientation is on the experience of the physical body, the emotions, the mind and on spiritual aspects. Through reflexion exercises help to bring insight and awareness to areas where you may not know yourself that well. This awareness and the loving presence to your own and each other’s experience, often makes healing possible.
This Western form of tantra that we practice is sometimes called being-oriented tantra. The threshold of this style is safe and accessible. We stay clothed and, there is no focus on sexual expression or energy. We bring our attention to the awareness of and the vitality of our own experience.
Where Tantra in many styles seems to focus on the (sexual) dynamics and interaction between different sexes, Tantric moments for us is much more about uniting opposite (polar) aspects in yourself. We use the interaction with other people of any identity or age as a mirror to give insight into ourselves and our borders.
About 80% of the participants come independently. If you are not comfortable to work with strangers, you can bring someone with whom you feel safe and comfortable. This partner does not have to be your lover and sexual orientation usually does not matter. Important is that you have the intention to support each other lovingly and get to know each other better.

We are looking forward sharing a Tantric Moments with you,
The Tantric Moments Team

Friday 19:30-22:30 Walk in from 19:00
Wear comfortable clothing. During the evening we stay clothed.

We invite a maximum of 18 participants.
For this reason it is desirable that you buy a ticket in advance.
If the event is not sold out, you can buy tickets at the door.
You do not have to print your ticket as we check your name at the door.
If you come more often, you can buy a cardsystem. You then buy 5 or 10 'strippen' in advance for €70,- or €140,- respectively, this can be done at

QUESTIONS or more INFORMATION (Wanda) or 050.2340030 (also Whatsapp)

If you're coming for the first time, please read the 'rules of the game' before registering:
If you can't agree with these, then this event is not for you.

Vrijdag 19 april 2024 van 19:30 tot 22:30

Edanz, Van Oldenbarneveltlaan 6, 9716 EJ Groningen, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Liefde kent de mysterieuze weg naar het hier en nu.”

Tantra als pad van persoonlijke bewustwording en groei, door balans in lichaam emotie en geest vanuit een open en toegankelijke setting.



Tantric Moments - Awareness Through the Body - Sensory Awareness

Wat heerlijk, geleid worden door iemand met expertise op dit gebied. Ik mocht leunen en vertrouwen. Ervaren wat het is om Aware te voelen, in ease and softness.

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Tantric Moments - Voeding uit Contact

Het was de eerste keer dat ik aan een avond van Tantric moments meedeed. Het wass een fijne verbindende avond. De “regels” waren van te voren duidelijk gecommuniceerd, zodat de veiligheid goed was gewaarborgd. Inspirerende ervaringsgerichte oefeningen die goed werden begeleid, maakten het mogelijk tot het dieper voelen in mijn lijf en in contact met de ander. Dank!

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Marjon Slomp

Tantric Moments - Groepsgevoel

Heerlijk landen na de zomerstop, in een groep die inderdaad heel snel een veilige prettige groep was. verbinding, rust , warmte, plezier, liefde..

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Tantric Moments - Awareness Through the Body - Sensory Awareness

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