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Dive into the elements (Lake Maarsseveen, Utrecht)

Zaterdag 16 maart 2024 van 11:00 tot 13:00

Land van Dromen, Westbroekse Binnenweg 18-20, 3612 AH Tienhoven, Nederland

Over dit evenement

Experience the nature, the elements and your body sensations! During this activity, we will connect with the four elements. It will be fun, healthy and you will feel amazing afterwards.

What will we do?
We will dive into the lake "Maarsseveense Plassen" to connect with the element "water". Before that, we will make movements, to root ourselves in connection with the element "Earth". And we will do breathwork to feel the element "Air" in our bodies. Last but not least, we will get warm again at the wood stove, connecting with the element "Fire". Join us and challenge yourself... and to feel more alive than ever before.

To get warm and grounded, we will do movement exercises. The movement is based on Taoistic principles, from slow and gentle (yin) to strong and powerful (yang), but also playful and harmonizing for the whole body. challenge our bodies. There will be no competition and you can be faithful to your own boundaries. It will be a natural way of movement because it's intuitively and we will mainly use our own body weight. As we do part of it outside, you can benefit from sunlight and fresh air. Everybody is welcome, all genders, all body shapes and all ages including kids and elderly people.

Breathing exercises bring us into contact with the element "Air". They help to relax your body and mind. The cold puts your nervous system on alert. By breathing consciously, you will then enter the cold water more relaxed. It also helps you gain more control over your breathing. When you get into the cold water, it is important to breathe calmly and evenly so that the intensity brings you into contact with your body and you do not panic. Breathing exercises also help to increase your resistance to the cold.

Dive into the water
Cold water training can be a valuable addition to your health and well-being. Cold water training, also called cryotherapy, involves exposing the body to cold temperatures. Regular cold training can help you increase your resistance to the cold.

There are many benefits of cold water exercise for the body and mind, including improving blood circulation. Cold water constricts the blood vessels, causing blood to be pumped through the body faster. This promotes the health of the heart and blood vessels. Such a cold dip also increases your resistance to diseases. This is because cold temperatures stimulate the production of white blood cells, which help the body fight infections. You also reduce the risk of inflammation and improve your sports performance. Because cold temperatures increase pain tolerance and help muscles recover. And it improves your mental health through the production of endorphins, which contributes to a feeling of happiness.

After you've been out in the cold outdoors, your body will go through a number of physiological changes to try to keep you warm. The blood vessels in your skin will constrict to conserve heat. This makes your hands, feet and nose feel cold. Your heart rate will increase to pump more blood through your body and keep you warm. By breathing deeply you absorb more oxygen. Sometimes you tremble or contract certain muscles to generate heat.

When you then sit in front of the wood fire, these physiological changes will begin to relax. Your blood vessels will dilate, allowing blood to flow more freely through your body. Your heart rate and breathing rate will decrease. Your muscles will relax. The heat and infrared radiation from the wood fire has many positive effects, allowing you to experience deep peace and relaxation. The pleasant scent also contributes to this of course.

Venue: Cottage "Land van Dromen"
Westbroekse Binnenweg 20; 3612 AH Tienhoven.
Parking: Along the Westbroekse Binnenweg in Tienhoven (Molenpolder).
Public transport: U-Flex bus number 913 to Spa Sereen (call to reserve in advance).

11:00 h - Arrival, tea, coffee
11:15 h - Movement exercises
11:45 h - Walk to the water and breathing exercises
12:00 h - Dive into the water (only 30 seconds to 3 min, depending on your condition and the temperature).
12:15 h - Warm up by the wood fire
12:30 h - Shared lunch and chat. There will be hot soup, please bring some food to share.
13:00 h - End of the gathering. You can join the Massage Exchange Lounge afterwards (until 17:00 h).

Bring with you:
Sportswear or flexible soft clothing, flip-flops (slippers), bath-robe and big towel. Bring your friend(s) or family!

This activity is donation-based. a financial contribution for renting the space is appreciated.

Questions? Feel free to contact us.
Tijs Breuer, cell phone: +31626174884

Zaterdag 16 maart 2024 van 11:00 tot 13:00

Land van Dromen, Westbroekse Binnenweg 18-20, 3612 AH Tienhoven, Nederland

Over de organisatie

“Genieten mag!”

Je lichaam, je gevoelens en je gedachten zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Vind op jouw manier meer harmonie in je leven met lichaamswerk.


Thirza Kramer

Crazy Cozy Cuddle Pyjama Party in Amsterdam

Such a wonderful, cozy, nourishing cuddle party. The exercises we did were truly perfect to instantly create a comfortable atmosphere, even with people I had never met before. I will definitely go again in the future ✨

Lees meer

Brynn Smeehuijzen

Crazy Cozy Cuddle Pyjama Party in Amsterdam

Very safe and comfortable. It builds up slowly, but can get quite intense. Stepping out and taking a moment to yourself was allowed and encouraged when needed with a dedicated "introvert corner" and outside space. The instructor is very caring and nurturing, and very dedicated to making sure everybody is comfortable within the exercises. Definitely recommend this!

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Dive into the elements (Lake Maarsseveen, Utrecht)

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