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Svaaha, I remember to be the sound we uttered after making an offering to the Divine. And that is our highest endeavor: to serve you, your wholeness.




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Evenementen van Svaaha

Woensdag, 15 mei. om 15:00
Somatic Tantra - Advanced Bodywork Immersion
Tantra Somatic Experiencing Lichaamswerk
“Om Svaaha. ”

Over de organisatie

To bridge the gap between the personal and the transpersonal.
To awaken to our highest potential as The Creator Beings we are.
To manifest this new earth, grounded in our hearts.
With love, awareness and presence: we create communities intended on connection, love and joy. Full body orgasmic living and bliss-full existence. Because why not. It's our fucking birthright.
Om Svaaha.

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