Kundalini-Awakening.nl is the place to let go of that which no longer serves you; in a safe and responsible way.
De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Laurierstraat 109, 1016 PL Amsterdam, Nederland
About your facilitator:
Marnix from Kundalini-Awakening.nl has extensive experience in guiding people and groups through kundalini awaking sessions.
20 years ago his journey started with a strong focus on meditation and self-inquiry. It is this experience which makes his sessions extra effective, as the more the facilitator is able to dissolve in the proces, the more beautiful the outcome for the participants.
About the sessions:
In contrast to many forms of Kundalini (Yoga), which involve breathwork, tension of muscles, visualizations, and/or focus, in a Kundalini Awakening Session, we rely on the inherent intelligence of the system. Just as our heart beats throughout our entire lives without us consciously having to think about it or do anything for it, our own system knows exactly what is best for us. At any given moment, literally millions of chemical processes are occurring in all the cells of our body; if our mind had to consciously take over that, we wouldn’t last long. For this reason, we create a setting in which we don't let our thoughts interfere during this process.
During a session, people simply lie down, and a setting is created where you surrender completely, trusting in the wisdom of your own system. The only thing that can be “done” is letting go when thoughts of doubt arise.
"Trust, let go and dive fully, into the depths of your own inate wisdom"
Marnix' Story:
After working as an engineer for 10 years, the need arose to let go of the constant felt unrest that resulted in the incessant need to always be “doing something”.
A period of over a year ensued in which Marnix spent sitting on park benches and walking around, until this need fell away and he could simply be comfortable with just “being”.
Although this year showed many glimpses and resulted in the breaking down of the concept of self, seeking remained. After this period Marnix went back into the world and has worked as a wedding photographer ever since.
It was around 6 years later that the last of the seeking energy fell away and liberation occured.
Marnix lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands where he shares non-duality teachings and gives kundalini awakening sessions.
He loves dancing, photography, spending time in nature and sharing insights on the subject of non-duality.
“When seeking falls away, what remains is the simplicity and perfection of this”