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Conscious Couples Workshop - Amsterdam

Zaterdag 21 september 2024 van 10:30 tot 14:30

Tweede van Swindenstraat 26, 1093 VS Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Relationships are the very essence of human existence. From the moment you are born and throughout life, you continuously develop intimate connections. In so many ways we are interdependent on one another.

We all yearn for relationships rooted in authenticity, trust and love. Yet we often find ourselves repeating patterns based in fear and disconnection.

What is Conscious Couples Workshop?

This workshop is an invitation to investigate the landscape of intimacy and love. To learn to work with life force, rather than working against it.

To explore a heart-based way of relating that emphasises love and presence as the very foundation.

Join us and Explore:

● The main pillars of Tantra school
of Love: Freedom, wholeness,
authenticity, Love
● Relationships and Self-inquiry
● Commitment and willingness
● Polarity: understanding the role of
attraction and playfulness
● Tantra & sacred sexuality
● Naturalness and connection in


● Practical ways to approach your
loved ones with an open, loving
and discerning heart.
● Communicating your needs and
wants with love.
● How to listen to the intelligence of
your system
● Letting your body be a barometer
of your own truth
● To harvest and redirect sexual
● To recognise patterns,
conditionings and beliefs that
withhold you from true intimacy.
● Discovering a deeper sense of
trust and love beyond all storylines. ● A meeting ground that is much
more stable.
● The inner attitude needed to
move through challenges in
relationships. Learning to use these
difficulties to empower your
spiritual practice and bring forth a
deeper understanding of yourself
and your partner.

This workshop is for you if ...

If you feel the longing to KNOW and LOVE yourself. If you wish to find the freedom you yearn for and the intimacy of connection you desire with your partner.

This workshop is designed as an easy access point into the Tantra School of Love in depth Couple programs. It will be a beautiful introduction into the core pillars of our platform, and a way to experience what it’s like to be held by a loving community.

Come together with your partner, your lover or anyone that feels as the right ‘fit’ for you to share this exploration with.

Zaterdag 21 september 2024 van 10:30 tot 14:30

Tweede van Swindenstraat 26, 1093 VS Amsterdam, Netherlands

Reserveer je spots!

Koop je tickets direct via Hipsy. Na betaling is je deelname definitief en ontvang je je tickets per e-mail.

Over de organisatie

“Heart based and experiential life teachings”

Tantra School of Love bridges the classical teachings of Tantra, a path of Self-realisation, with more contemporary practices.

1. Kies je tickets
Conscious Couples - Amsterdam

An introduction workshop to explore the landscape of Intimacy, Tantra and Love. Prijs is per koppel.

€ 149,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Transactiekosten :
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
Conscious Couples Workshop - Amsterdam

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