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New Moon in Cancer - Moon Gatherings

Zaterdag 06 juli 2024 van 19:00 tot 22:00

Culemborg, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Dear sisters, 

Welcome to the Moon Gatherings 2023!!
I am Ibelisse, I practice earth centred medicine and ritual for about 25 years. I am a medicine woman, an artist and a space holder. I have initiated the Moon Gatherings in the beginning of 2020, which is a ceremony space, a temple and a place for radical listening. I feel deeply honoured and humbled that this circle has had the opportunity to develop into a space of deep sharing, healing and the building of an incredible community of sisters. This initiative is an umbrella that embraces practices that are in synergy with the call of the earth, which comes from a deep connection I nurture with how my ancestors have practiced their ways of life, inherent to my roots and heritage as Bolivian/Brazilian. My mission is to create a space of radical reciprocity, while honouring expansion and letting the spirit of the circle do its magic.

Welcome to this growing web of seed planters, artists, shapeshifters, non conformists, radical care takers, listeners and sanctuary creators.
Ibelisse, Raquel, Elsa, Inez, Teresa, Shailoh, Julie, Amber and Ruth

For more information subscribe to our Newsletter!


We welcome you to join us in ceremony!
NEW MOON in CANCER- Held by Elsa May Averill
July 6th

New Moons are potent portals to plant intentions, it is the portal where the moon's cycle starts anew. We carve this space for us in order to have the opportunity to reset and step into the sacred. The potent New Moon medicine.

Dear sisters,
Something powerful happens when we sit together in ceremony. As Grandma Dawn from the sacred fire ceremony says: when we share our sorrows they divide, when we share our joys they multiply. To me that is why we have these new moon gatherings, to carry the weight of the world together, to be in awe and in gratitude together, to nurture, cry and laugh together. It is something personal, it is something communal and it is something political. We live in a world that is fast, harsh, violent and what is needed now, more than ever is the gentle, fierce, compassionate feminine power. Let’s gather to be reminded, let’s gather to realign. Let’s gather to send blessings and courage to all of our sisters around the world. You are welcome in our lovely garden in Culemborg.
We will light the fire at 8pm.
You are welcome to arrive and settle in from 7pm onward.
Love and blessings

Culemborg (address will be shared after booking your place)

Arrival 19:00 welcome
Fire Starts at 20.00
Ends at 22:00

COMMUNICATION via Telegram app
Moon Gatherings


PLEASE BRING (if you can)
* Some wood and tobacco to feed the fire
* Please bring your drums, rattles or any other instruments.
* Bring what is meaningful for you, like amulets, stones, power objects for the altar
* Bring in form of food , some fruits, some simple sweets, snacks, something you made ….


This event is donation-based, as a service to the sisterhood. Please consider how much you are willing and able to give, to honour the time of those preparing and hosting the ceremony. Suggested donation is between €5-25, depending on your situation. Donations in the form of time or crafts are welcome. Please never let money be a hindrance; there is always space to welcome you.

Moon Gatherings


Moon Gatherings
After three years of committing to hold space for this beautiful gatherings I have decided to share the ceremonies with sisters who I admire and consider powerful beings.
Together we make a collective of sisters, activists, spiritual seekers, seed planters, artists, shapeshifters, non conformists, radical care takers, listeners and sanctuary creators.

We are committed to holding space for ceremony via this platform and welcome you to join us in this growing web. We are Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti, Shailoh Phillips, Raquel Haug, Elsa May Averill, Teresa Borasino, Inez Almeida, Julie Kurris, Amber Rijcken, Ruth Borg, Katherina Bornefeld and many more!

Embracing the cracks 
Holding ceremony 
Creating Sanctuary 
Space for transformation
The circle is the medicine 
You are the medicine 

Zaterdag 06 juli 2024 van 19:00 tot 22:00

Culemborg, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

We are collective of sisters, activists, spiritual seekers and healers. We organise monthly ceremonies for women, queer and artists communities

Moon Gatherings

New Moon in Cancer - Moon Gatherings

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