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Galactic Activation Ceremony

Vrijdag 22 maart 2024 van 19:30 tot 22:30

Salon Ruigoord, Ruigoord 36, 1047 HH Amsterdam, Nederland

Over dit evenement

Are you ready for some divine magic guided by the Stars and Light beings?
In a humble, earthly ceremony with the ascension elixir CORDUS, also lovingly described as ‘Galactic Cacao’, we will tune in to our crystalline star roots and connect to the Galactic Womb of Creation, the celestial source Mother that birthed us, the stars and our multiverse!

Galactic priests Inge van Straalen, Alex Rainbow Phoenix & Banu Ishtara will be your guides on a multi-dimensional journey where you’ll be invited to meet your star family and receive messages from planes of existence beyond ‘normal’ perception.

At this significant magical moment of the Spring Equinox, we are invited to take part in this divine ritual and energetic tuning, recalibrating our energy bodies to the higher frequencies of diamond rainbow Light. We will drink the ceremonial activating ascension elixir Cordus, created by Alex Rainbow Phoenix aka the Sober Sommelier. We will journey together to the stars and back and we will celebrate the new colour rays and light codes of the Great Central Sun. We will receive powerful activations on our cosmic journey and finish with a sacred galactic dance to specially selected music for this event.

Expect divine magic, high frequency, soul journey, star family, unity consciousness, ascension light-body upgrades and a multidimensional experience with the sacred ascension elixir Cordus, being used for the first time in the Netherlands!

The Calling
Our angels, guides and galactic allies are calling us now, at this pivotal moment, to hold powerful and majestic circles of the highest living source light, so that we can play our part as infinite creator beings, birthing New Earth in her highest ascended version, welcoming the long-awaited Golden Age of Unity Consciousness in all realms, timelines and dimensions.

We are ready and NOW is the time.
As above so below, as below so above, as within so without, as without, so within dearest Rainbow Family!
Infinite unconditional love and blessings of diamond rainbow light and gratitude for showing up and playing such a vital part in Gaia’s awakening & ascension process when she needs your support the most!
You were made for this and it’s why you chose to incarnate on Earth now.
Let us join hands to walk each other home in sacred breath and witness the magic unfold as ONE!

Galactic Guides
Inge van Straalen is a Galactic High Priestess and Soul Finder. As a Galactic blueprinter she specializes in travelling through dimensions, liberating souls and guiding them home. Inge believes that multi-dimensional conciousness needs to be anchored in the here and now. Fully dedicated to her mission of bringing back Heaven on Earth, she initiates seekers in Galactic and Earthly wisdom through the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School.

Alex Rainbow Phoenix (a.k.a. the Sober Sommelier) is a light-worker, empath, intuitive, ascension guide, galactic unity ambassador, star seed, angelic reiki-master, crystal healer, grid worker, and planetary blueprinter. He is the founder of Rainbow Phoenix Healing. After a powerful epiphany on a trip to the magical 7 Lakes region in Bulgaria , Alex’s healing and light work journey took a huge and unexpected leap forwards, connecting with his galactic star family, ascended masters and the angelic kingdom becoming a Guardian of the Rainbow Ray and activator of the Diamond Rainbow Phoenix.

Banu Ishtara (the Lady from the Stars) remembers where she comes from and why she is here. She has fully dedicated herself to creating Eden on Earth as was originally intended, together! She believes in the power of joining hearts to accelerate healing, both on an individual level as well as for the human collective. Born in Iran to a lineage of medicine women from Persia and Siberia, she has been immersed in Sufi ceremonies and spiritual gatherings (in Iran) since she can remember. In the last 25 years she has been leading Sufi healing & whirling circles and assisting and facilitating plant medicine ceremonies. She is a Pleiadian Lightwork healer and teacher, as well a certified hypnotherapist, coach and ortho-molecular medicine and diet expert.

Cordus is a bitter sweet alcohol free aperitif made from a ‘blend of heroic botanicals and bitters’, rare Gentian root from the South of France. This magical liquid has been gently activated by Alex and his soul team of angelics, ascended masters, dragons, unicorns and galactic guides from star regions such as the Pleiades, Andromeda and Sirius. The liquid is blended in deep, sacred ceremony with super high frequency Lemurian Quartz crystals from Brazil and sacred spring water from Glastonbury, the South of France and Jordan in a secret alchemical process that predates the Egyptian Dynasties. The liquid can be best described as ‘Galactic Cacao’ and is incredibly energetically powerful with rainbow light body activating qualities. This latest batch was created on the exact moment of the Winter Solstice 2023 and carries the activating frequency of the Sun Deity Inti of Lake Titicaca and crystalline diamond rainbow light source codes of the Goddesses Tanit, Isis, Hathor and Quan Yin.

Cordus is a non-hallucinogenic drink.
It raises the awareness and creates a sensation of deep meditation.
The effects can be guided by your own intention.
You can use it to deepen your meditation, feelings and or as an energizer to move and dance.

Vrijdag 22 maart 2024 van 19:30 tot 22:30

Salon Ruigoord, Ruigoord 36, 1047 HH Amsterdam, Nederland

Over de organisatie

Divine magic events guided by the Stars and Light beings.


Sanne Verrips

Galactic Activation Ceremony

Het was een prachtige, magische eerste keer! De liefdevolle aanwezigheid tijdens de ceremonie van Banu, Alex en Inge. Heel erg genoten van de mooie activatie en het heerlijke drankje van Alex. Dankbaar!♥️

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Erwin Verboom

Galactic Activation Ceremony

Ik heb de avond als magisch, helend en verbindend ervaren tot in mijn diepste vezels. Can’t wait till the next one 🙏🏻💫🫶🏼. It gave us roots to grow and wings to fly 🌳🦅🍀

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Galactic Activation Ceremony

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