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KIVA | The Call of the Wisdom Keepers | Op Hodenpijl

Vrijdag 10 maart 2023 van 19:00 tot 21:45

Op Hodenpijl, Rijksstraatweg 20/22, 2636 AX Schipluiden, Nederland

Over dit evenement

KIVA – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers
Een boodschap van alle inheemse volkeren

Special guests/Wisdom Keepers:
* Toroa Aperahama (NZ)
* Sharon Healey (AUS)
* Masai Elder Sankule Ole Ntutu (Kenia)
* Philip van der Zee (NL)
* Theresia van der Zee (NL)

(Below in English)
Synopsis: In 1968 kreeg medicijnman Raymundo Tigre Perez (Mexico/VS) een visioen. Hij zag inheemse Wisdom Keepers van over de hele wereld verenigd in een cirkelvormige kuil - met een vuur in het hart - een ceremonie uitvoeren. Een spirituele ceremonie voor de aarde, voor vrede en welzijn van alle levende wezens. Pas later ontdekte hij dat dit een KIVA was, een eeuwenoude ceremonie die 3000 jaar geleden al door de Anasazi werd gehouden. Honderden inheemse Wisdom Keepers beantwoordden zijn oproep en deze KIVA-ceremonies vinden al meer dan 30 jaar over de hele wereld plaats. De KIVA-ceremonie is een collectieve oproep vanuit de gehele inheemse bevolking: zij hebben het contact met de natuur nooit verloren en kunnen ons met hun eeuwenoude wijsheid ons handvaten aanreiken naar een meer verbonden en duurzame manier van leven!

In deze documentaire krijgen we een unieke kijk op de KIVA-ceremonie, waar inheemse Wisdom Keepers zich verzamelen rond een heilig vuur en hun liefde uiten via gebeden, eeuwenoude rituelen, liederen en dans. Maar ze delen ook hun zorg over de zorg voor Moeder Natuur en de mensheid! De kijker wordt uitgenodigd om na te denken over hoe we onze relatie met de aarde kunnen herstellen. ‘De aarde huilt en roept haar kinderen naar huis!’

Marijke Kodden begon met filmen bij de unieke KIVA-ceremonies in Nederland in 2018 en reisde naar de KIVA ceremonies in Mexico, India en terug naar KIVA Holland in 2019. Veel Wisdom Keepers werden geïnterviewd en samen met beste vriendin Rakinah Buttner en Jaap Verhoeven (die zij bij het project betrokken bij) hebben zij een hoopvolle documentaire gemaakt, die ons laat zien hoe we onze relatie met de aarde kunnen helen!

Voor een eerste indruk, hier een korte aftermovie van KIVA Mexico:
More info at:

Synopsis: In 1968 medicine man Raymundo Tigre Perez (Mexico/USA) received a vision. He saw Indigenous Wisdom Keepers from all over the world united in a circular pit - with a fire in the heart - performing a ceremony. A spiritual ceremony for the earth, for peace and well-being of all living beings. Only later did he discover that this was a KIVA, an ancient ceremony held by the Anasazi 3,000 years ago. Hundreds of Indigenous Wisdom Keepers answered his call and these KIVA ceremonies have been taking place around the world for over 30 years. The KIVA ceremony is a collective call from the entire indigenous population: they have never lost touch with nature and can, with their ancient wisdom, provide us with tools for a more connected and sustainable way of life!

In this documentary we get a unique view at the KIVA ceremony, where indigenous Wisdom Keepers gather around a sacred fire and express their love through prayers, ancient rituals, songs and dance. But they also share their concern about caring for Mother Nature and humanity! The viewer is invited to think about how we can restore our relationship with the earth. “The earth cries and calls her children home!”

Marijke Kodden started filming at the unique KIVA ceremonies in the Netherlands in 2018 and traveled to the KIVA ceremonies in Mexico, India and back to KIVA Holland in 2019. Many Wisdom Keepers were interviewed and together with best friend Rakinah Buttner and Jaap Verhoeven (who they are involved in) they have made a hopeful documentary, showing us how to heal our relationship with the earth!

For a first impression, here is a short impression of KIVA Mexico:
More info at:

Special guests/Wisdom Keepers:

* Toroa Aperahama
Raised and taught the traditional ways of his Ancestors by his grandmother Te Wharehau, he has worked directly with his Tupuna (Ancestors) all his life and walks both sides of the physical and spiritual worlds. He will share his indigenous wisdom, which has been past on from many generations within his family.

* Sharon Healey
Sharon was born in Australia, her ancestral roots to Europe come from her parents, her mother born in Croatian and her father born in the United Kingdom. Sharon has returned back to her roots to share the knowledge she carries within. She tells of the old energies of Avalon that were lost to humans as the planet’s vibration decreased, and explains how Avalon can be part of the planet once again. Sharon states: “We are here to bring balance to the reality of being human and spirit at the same time, and how we must live as human beings to make less impact on the planet”.

* Philip van der Zee
Philip is part of the Kiva family since 2017, representing our ancestral European roots in the sacred space, close to the heart of the Kiva ceremony. Philip Aswind is a storyteller specialised in Germanic/Nordic and Celtic mythology. His spiritual journey started back in '86, taking part and organising indigenous Earth-ceremonies, active in both cultural and spiritual disciplines. Philip was present as elder/ wisdomkeeper at the Kiva in Holland 3x, Mexico 3 x, Kumbha Mela India and Germany 3x. In the documentary you can hear him play the Flamish bagpipes.

* Theresia van der Zee
Since childhood Theresia ( Whisper ) travels through the worlds of her star ancestors and Elven families.She was bit of a strange and dreamy girl…not of this world some said. She didn’t speak a lot and stayed somewhat hidden away from groups of people.That sometimes felt a bit lonely, until she met an Irish old Bard who told her she is” one of the Fae people”. And that she should not forget to share the knowledge and energy of the Fae with people nowadays. It’s time to connect …..

And so she did … Theresia found a way to integrate and share her worlds as a dance teacher … later traveling with puppet theater … storytelling and harp and drum and songs inspired by her star family and Elvenways.

Zaal open: 18.45
Aanvang: 19.00
Regisseur: Marijke Kodden / Jaap Verhoeven
Land: Mexico, India, Duitsland en Nederland
Jaar: 2022
Film: 56 min

Vrijdag 10 maart 2023 van 19:00 tot 21:45

Op Hodenpijl, Rijksstraatweg 20/22, 2636 AX Schipluiden, Nederland

Over de organisatie

HeartFire organizes concerts and events that open the heart. HeartFire is a co-creation of Daniëlle Doeve & Jeroen van Kemenade.


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KIVA | The Call of the Wisdom Keepers | Op Hodenpijl

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