Tom Goldhand's - Sadhana Dance school aims to increase ones awareness and self exploration through Dance and movement.
Improvisation is the art of Here and Now. Through Dance improvisation we can connect directly to our body and explore our own dance and awareness.
Dance improvisation and Contact Improvisation challenges us in many ways to encounter other sides of our being, dance and communication.
In Sadhana Dance we learn to trust our body and to explore the full potential of our movement and dance.
Seeing Dance as an expression of Body/movement, Mind/emotions/ space/awareness and spirit.
Improvisation is the way we learn about the world. Before we had patterns of movement and behavior we were playing with all possibilities and finding our own way in the world.
In our classes/workshop we try to keep our sensitivity open to new experience and not to be locked in our usual movement and patterns.
We try to break patterns of behavior and expand beyond them.
Dance is a wonderful way to make your consciousness bigger to the surrounding and to grow your understanding of your own body and mind. Improvisation in it its highest form is pure awareness – to dance, to your own self, to others and to everything that is happening