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Play Partners

We facilitate consent based events around intimacy, sex, non-monogamy, playfulness and authenticity. To connect and play, to learn and practice.

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Evenementen van Play Partners

Donderdag, 05 sep. om 19:00
Tantric Cock Practices & Stepping into the Masculine
Play Partners
Tantra Lichaamswerk Mannencirkels
Zaterdag, 14 sep. om 13:00
Tantric Cock Workshop (partnered)
Play Partners
Lichaamswerk Conscious Sexuality Sensualiteit
Zaterdag, 14 sep. om 18:30
Guided Pussy Tour (partnered)
Play Partners
Lichaamswerk Conscious Sexuality Sensualiteit
Zondag, 15 sep. om 13:00
Conscious Domination - The Fundamentals
Play Partners
Relaties Conscious Sexuality Verbinding
Zondag, 15 sep. om 18:30
Poly Connect
Play Partners
Relaties Liefde Dating
Zaterdag, 23 nov. om 14:30
Play Partners
Conscious Sexuality Verbinding Sensualiteit
Zaterdag, 30 nov. om 13:00
Tantric Cock Workshop (partnered)
Play Partners
Lichaamswerk Conscious Sexuality Sensualiteit
Zaterdag, 30 nov. om 18:30
Guided Pussy Tour (partnered)
Play Partners
Lichaamswerk Conscious Sexuality Sensualiteit
“To create the intimacy, sexlife and relationships we dream of.”

Over de organisatie

We are Joey, Maxime, and Jeronimo. We facilitate workshops around intimacy & s’exuality, and are (tantric) sex workers and intimacy coaches. We practice non-monogamy, and are passionate about personal growth, intimacy, sex, and relationships.

We aim to support people in creating the intimacy, sexlife and relationships they dream of.

We believe that these areas are essential for creating a happy, wholesome and fulfilling life.
Happy people make people happy. Heal the world.

We are creating a place for people to come together. To connect and play, to learn and practice, and to build a community.

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Dit zeggen anderen over
Play Partners

  • Joost
    Tantric Cock Practices & Stepping into the Masculine (solo)

    Een avond bomvol informatie, waarin ik in een veilige en ontspannen setting geprikkeld ben om mijzelf en nog veel meer te gaan ontdekken.

    Lees meer
    13 april 2024 om 10:21
  • Gabriëlle In’t Hout
    SOLD OUT - Conscious Domination - The Fundamentals

    De PlayPartners weten een veilige container te geven, waarin stap voor stap kan worden geoefend. Inspirerend, leerzaam en met ruimte voor speelsheid!

    Lees meer
    28 januari 2024 om 20:31
  • Rob De Jeu
    Tantric Cock Practices & Stepping into the Masculine

    Jeronimo en Maxime weten een hele fijne veilige setting neer te zetten waar er ruimte voor kwetsbaarheid en openheid ontstaat. Zeer bijzonder om deze tantric practice met andere mensen aangereikt te krijgen. Het raakte veel in mij.

    Lees meer
    29 december 2023 om 15:57
  • Chris
    SOLD OUT - PlayCastle - Abundant June

    In a word: perfect.

    All you need to know about PlayPartner events is that the organisation is smart and loving. Their priority, at all times, is to make sure you have a great experience. This shows in every tiny detail. Whether you are a first-timer or an experienced visitor, you will not regret coming. You will be able to do as little or as much as you like. You will be cared for. You will be safe. You will learn. You will have fun. You will be part of something great.

    Lees meer
    04 juni 2023 om 10:58
  • Carlos Dias de Moura
    SOLD OUT - PlayCastle - Opening April

    It was an amazing experience, very sweet and fun. Team has a good balance between control and fluidity of the event. I definitely will attend other sessions. Only suggestion is to have the impulse play with a smaller group in order to have better develop connection of people around for the time of free play. Thank you again, it is part of my formation as a good person!

    Lees meer
    04 april 2023 om 14:21
  • Jolien Stoop
    Play Heart: Poly Connect

    It was fantastic! I felt accepted and seen. The exercises where about the fun part of polyamory. It gave me strenght about and in my feelings around this theme. I had fun and it gave me some new insights.

    Lees meer
    05 december 2022 om 10:34
  • Nuria Franch
    Odessa Tantra Festival

    It was a great experience and it was very well organized!

    Lees meer
    03 december 2022 om 19:10

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Made with ♥ Copyright 2024

Reviews van Play Partners

Tantric Cock Practices & Stepping into the Masculine (solo)

Een avond bomvol informatie, waarin ik in een veilige en ontspannen setting geprikkeld ben om mijzelf en nog veel meer te gaan ontdekken.

Lees meer
13 april 2024 om 10:21
Gabriëlle In’t Hout
SOLD OUT - Conscious Domination - The Fundamentals

De PlayPartners weten een veilige container te geven, waarin stap voor stap kan worden geoefend. Inspirerend, leerzaam en met ruimte voor speelsheid!

Lees meer
28 januari 2024 om 20:31
Rob De Jeu
Tantric Cock Practices & Stepping into the Masculine

Jeronimo en Maxime weten een hele fijne veilige setting neer te zetten waar er ruimte voor kwetsbaarheid en openheid ontstaat. Zeer bijzonder om deze tantric practice met andere mensen aangereikt te krijgen. Het raakte veel in mij.

Lees meer
29 december 2023 om 15:57
SOLD OUT - PlayCastle - Abundant June

In a word: perfect.

All you need to know about PlayPartner events is that the organisation is smart and loving. Their priority, at all times, is to make sure you have a great experience. This shows in every tiny detail. Whether you are a first-timer or an experienced visitor, you will not regret coming. You will be able to do as little or as much as you like. You will be cared for. You will be safe. You will learn. You will have fun. You will be part of something great.

Lees meer
04 juni 2023 om 10:58
Carlos Dias de Moura
SOLD OUT - PlayCastle - Opening April

It was an amazing experience, very sweet and fun. Team has a good balance between control and fluidity of the event. I definitely will attend other sessions. Only suggestion is to have the impulse play with a smaller group in order to have better develop connection of people around for the time of free play. Thank you again, it is part of my formation as a good person!

Lees meer
04 april 2023 om 14:21
Jolien Stoop
Play Heart: Poly Connect

It was fantastic! I felt accepted and seen. The exercises where about the fun part of polyamory. It gave me strenght about and in my feelings around this theme. I had fun and it gave me some new insights.

Lees meer
05 december 2022 om 10:34
Nuria Franch
Odessa Tantra Festival

It was a great experience and it was very well organized!

Lees meer
03 december 2022 om 19:10