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Rite of the Womb: Collective Healing for all Women

Zondag 28 juli 2024 van 14:00 tot 18:00

De Clercqstraat 123HS, 1053 AK Amsterdam, Países Bajos

Over dit evenement

The rite of the womb it's a ritual of healing, cleansing and connection with the energy of our Womb, it welcomes all women, mothers, grandmothers, daughters who have had - or not - children; whether or not they have their physical uterus (hysterectomy) and pregnant women.

This gift of healing and life belongs to every woman in the world who wants to receive it.

If you are experiencing painful or irregular cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, fertility challenges, miscarriage, sexual blockages, difficulty achieving orgasm, releasing past relationships or sexual experiences, reconnecting with your cycle after birth control pills, lack of creativity, motivation, inhability to take action or feeling stuck in life the Rite of the Womb is here to support you.

Rooted in the Andes ancient wisdom, this sacred rite honors the womb as a source of life, creativity, and intuition. Through gentle rituals, visualizations, sound healing, gentle movement and guided meditations, we are lovingly invited to cleanse ancestral pain and sorrow, whether inherited from our maternal lineage, or our own past life experience, consciously or unconsciously. Reclaiming your innate power and wisdom for yourself and your ancestors.

This ceremony is a beautiful, gentle, loving journey of self-discovery and healing, fostering a deep connection and awakening of the creating power present within every woman and womben.

This ritual has deeply touched me and changed my life, after years of enduring painful cycles and the heartache of miscarriage, I was able to transform the perception and relationship with my own moon cycle, reproductive system and connection to my womb center. The power of the womb is not just to create human life, it is the center that empowers your visions and creations.

Together we are a lineage of women who remember that we did not come to suffer in this life, but to be the creatresses of our deepest longings and destinies.

This ceremony unfolds as a tender, nurturing journey of self-discovery and healing, fostering a profound connection and awakening to the innate creative potential within each woman. As the ancient wisdom of the womb is restored we step into our roles as creators of the world we envision—for ourselves, for future generations, and for the greater good of humanity. Our children are not born out of fear and conflict, but as bearers of light, naturally inclined to honor and protect our Earth.

The session ends with a few minutes of chanting all together uniting our voices in one collective vibration to honour our wombs, our ancestors, mother nature and sending strength and love to all women around the world.

Embrace this journey of self-discovery, healing, connection and sisterhood.

"When you heal, I heal.
When we heal, the world heals"

With all my love,

Womb Keeper & Holistic Yoga Teacher

If you have any questions please contact me:
IG: yoga.luli / Tel: 0621613787

Practical Information for Attending the Rite of the Womb Ceremony:

To ensure your comfort and a meaningful experience, please follow these guidelines:


Wear comfortable clothes such as relaxed-fitted pants, a dress, or a skirt that does not create pressure on your belly and allows you to sit and move comfortably.

What to Bring:

A notebook and pen.
Pictures of yourself as a baby, little girl, or young lady (printed, if possible).
Pictures of your mother and grandmother (printed, if possible).
A few flowers, either hand-picked or bought, chosen by yourself.
Optional: Pictures of women who have impacted your life, including female relatives and friends, whom you wish to honor during this moment.
These items will help create a deeply personal and enriching experience during the ceremony.

If you are experiencing financial needs and would still like to join please email me and we'll find a way.

You can also book via the link:

Zondag 28 juli 2024 van 14:00 tot 18:00

De Clercqstraat 123HS, 1053 AK Amsterdam, Países Bajos

Over de organisatie

Our passion and mission is to create meaningful sessions, workshops, classes and retreats that provide a space for deep connection to the self.

Yogi Sunrise Experience

Rite of the Womb: Collective Healing for all Women

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