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Free Zoom Live Q&A + Guided Ritual | Marketing for Conscious Creators

Vrijdag 31 mei 2024 van 15:00 tot 16:00

Over dit evenement

We are back for a live Q&A Zoom call (Marketing for Conscious Creators) - May 31st at 9 AM Eastern/3 PM CET for around 1 hour. Join us live for:

-- News
-- Questions
-- Discussions
-- Guided Ritual
-- Support

Leila and Aaron will be available to answer your questions and support you through your (conscious) marketing process. We will also address some commonly shared and asked challenges and topics from listening to the members of our community.

We will guide you through a ritual together to be 'aspecting' with your ideal client, to dive into deeper consciousness behind marketing and gain insights to apply in real-life.

To sign up for this call, also to receive a FREE course preview (the first chapter) in your email: Feel free to forward it to interested people.

This is a free call that will not be recorded. Keep an eye on your email (including the junk box) once signing up. You'll get a Zoom link the day before we meet.

Why Marketing for Conscious Creators? What's Different?

There is a sad trend in conscious communities where people are looking to profit off vulnerability. Agencies are looking to sell the idea that anyone can be a spiritual influencer or life coach. Maybe something could work, but you must pay a lot of money for it. This can be misleading, destructive to many, and unethical. Not to mention it is often unaccessible.

This project is for those following the call of their soul mission. You're probably already on the path because you can't not just follow. You're looking to bring your gift and magic to the world, and want to attract and connect with those who see you and who know you're their medicine.

This project is about communicating your authenticity. It's more than a practical course - it's also inviting consciousness as well as the awareness of the shadows/risks. We make it affordable so everyone can join. We listen to the community's pain points and requests, and tailor-made it.

This is not a cookie cutter approach. Your path will be unique as you are. Take this content, build YOUR way forward and manifest for a better world together.

Who Are We:

Aaron Mandelbaum - I've always lived in multiple worlds at once. I've been a business and digital marketing strategist for over 12 years. My training in logic and ontology lead me to an MBA in business strategy all while pursuing my spiritual development through ongoing training and education.I've worked in digital marketing agencies and for large brands as well as my private consulting practice AEM Strategies. Clients include Fortune 500 brands, small non-profits, and everything in between. Overall, my goal is to ensure people's digital presence is aligned with their mission and vision. Through that alignment, I help clients find unexpected revenues.

Leila Li - I call myself a Lover and Artist for Life (LeilArts) as a Tea/Plant Medicine Ceremony Guide, Tantric Bodyworker, Art Facilitator and Event/Retreat Organiser. As well as a Marketing Consultant (Leilali Digital) with hands-on experience from the last 10 years across the US, Europe and Asia with a Masters degree in Business & Marketing, working with a diverse range of companies at all sizes. From bigger corporations (Upfield), to start-up (Beyond Meat), to one-person project (Financial Freedom), to advertising agency and media (Leaf Group).

I believe in the power and spirit of conscious marketing to tell authentic stories, make us seen to attract the right people, and to give in balance for positive changes individually and collectively.

Over de organisatie

“Everyone is an artist.”

To make arts and dance with life, for both the bright and dark sides. To co-create and share holistic events with you and nature. Amsterdam-based.


Mellany Van Heijningen

Mindful Tea Ceremony with Taoist Qigong Practices/Ritual in Nature

Een hele fijne theeceremonie en QiGong practice. In de natuur, verbonden, vertragen, precies wat ik nodig had deze mooie zondag. De kinderen waren ook welkom wat erg fijn was, dankjewel!

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Ecstatic Dance + Co-created Arts in Nature (Flevopark, Donation-Based)

Such a lovely experience to dance in nature while enjoying a musical journey <3

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Nicholas Henry Fidler

Move your Inner Body - Ecstatic Dance and Taoist Qigong

Really loved the qi-gong at the beginning and the DJ was great. Loved the enthusiasm as well!

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Free Zoom Live Q&A + Guided Ritual | Marketing for Conscious Creators

Meer evenementen van LeilArts

Zondag, 28 jul. om 15:00
Ecstatic Dance + Embodiment in Nature (Amsterdam, Donation-based)
Ecstatic Dance Embodiment Natuur
Zondag, 22 sep. om 16:00
Flower Into Life - A 6-Day Transformative Medicine Retreat in Nature
Plantmedicijn Tantra Creativiteit
Vrijdag, 11 okt. om 11:00
Voyage Into Presence - 3 Day Tantric Temple Deep Dive in Amsterdam
Tantra Divine Living Embodiment

Ook een event posten? Begin gelijk! Het is gratis.

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