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Mindful Tea Ceremony with Taoist Qigong Practices/Ritual in Nature

Zondag 12 mei 2024 van 11:00 tot 13:00

Flevopark, 1095 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

(Mother's Day Special on May 12: if you bring your mother or daughter to the event, you will pay 1 get 1 for free. In appreciation for all the hard-working mothers and the love that mothers bring to this world)

The Spring season is the time to regenerate and uprise after the restorative months. The Tao 道 (The Way of Nature) and Traditional Chinese Medicine promotes a balanced way of living full of ancient wisdom throughout the past thousands of years, which allows the natural flow of your life force/Qi 气, blood and other substances in your physical and energy body. Natural living helps us feel more balanced, peaceful yet alive and energized.

You’re invited to rest in the presence of your own senses/body, to learn to balance Yin & Yang and to dive in and move through your Qi with a Tea Ceremony and various Taoist Qigong Practices (guided by Leila and David) in nature. We will meet at a quiet area in Flevopark on Sunday afternoon from 11-13 on May 12. This combination evolved from exploring Eastern ancient practices in harmony with the Tao, with an invitation to observe your own experience, feel in your body, and integrate those experiences into a mindful daily lifestyle. Together, we co-create a safe, connected and rooted resting space for cleansing, healing, emotional release, manifestation and call in our collective wishes for the future.


We will share the Sunday afternoon with an ancient and mindful Tea Ceremony. For this Tea Ceremony (‘Cha Dao’ 茶道, to experience the way of nature through the portal of tea within yourself), your host Leila will present specially selected tea (Da Hong Pao Oolong) for the grounding and guide you through a tea meditation that cultivates the present moments, mindful process and fluid flow in a harmonious atmosphere that brings us together and improves our taste and all the senses, health and soul. You might come home feeling a greater connection within yourself and with nature, and feeling more rested in your body/mind from this sacred ceremony. Tasty, fresh and vegan sweets will be shared to pair with the tea to enhance the senses and the process.


David Pho will share his 20+ years taijiquan and qigong experience and teach a selection of Taoist Qigong and Daoyin exercises aimed at promoting the natural flow of Qi through key meridians in the centre of your body. This area contains the stomach, spleen, and kidneys which play an essential role in digesting and processing not only the food and drinks we ingest but also our feelings and emotions. The kidneys store our essence and generate the willpower to realize our intended actions and ambitions. Above all, we are going to invite stillness to access our inner nature and connect more deeply with ourselves and with the world around us. The selected exercises are relatively easy to take home and support you throughout the bustling and blooming spring and summer period. No previous experience is required, it’s for everyone.

𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:

☼ Ticket: 28 euros (limited spots)
☼ Entrance time (doors open): 10:45
☼ Starting time: 11:00 (please arrive earlier); Closing time: 13:00

The location: on a quiet grass area around

Looking forward to sharing this special experience with you soon!

With love,
Leila and David

Zondag 12 mei 2024 van 11:00 tot 13:00

Flevopark, 1095 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Everyone is an artist.”

To make arts and dance with life, for both the bright and dark sides. To co-create and share holistic events with you and nature. Amsterdam-based.


Mellany Van Heijningen

Mindful Tea Ceremony with Taoist Qigong Practices/Ritual in Nature

Een hele fijne theeceremonie en QiGong practice. In de natuur, verbonden, vertragen, precies wat ik nodig had deze mooie zondag. De kinderen waren ook welkom wat erg fijn was, dankjewel!

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Such a lovely experience to dance in nature while enjoying a musical journey <3

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Nicholas Henry Fidler

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Really loved the qi-gong at the beginning and the DJ was great. Loved the enthusiasm as well!

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Mindful Tea Ceremony with Taoist Qigong Practices/Ritual in Nature

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