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Move your Inner Body - Ecstatic Dance and Taoist Qigong

Zondag 28 april 2024 van 15:00 tot 18:00

Kokopelli, Warmoesstraat 12, 1012 JD Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

After the colder months of stillness, contemplation, and abundance, it is time to re-activate and prepare yourself for the blooming spring and bustling summer seasons to realize your aliveness. DJ Leela and David warmly invite you to mindfully and freely move your inner and physical body in a co-created Taoist Qigong and Ecstatic Dance Journey. We will meet at Kokopelli, Amsterdam on Sunday, April 28 from 3-6pm.

Traditional Chinese arts promote a balanced way of living which allows the natural flow of your life force Qi and blood in your physical and energy body. Join us in a co-created journey to move the life force Qi in our inner body and manifest ourselves in our physical body through dance. This powerful combination of freely expressing your inner power in a safe environment, to breath, relax, and connect with yourself and others in a co-created and energizing playground for inner exploration, connection, and movements.

You will be welcomed by live handpan music from DJ/Musician Leela, and David will kick off the workshop with stilling standing meditation after which we will open up our body and energy pathways with Qigong and Daoyin exercises. Once our inner body is opened and warmed up, we will free our heart, mind, and body on the dance floor flowing with the sounds and beats of DJ Leela. Are you ready to move your inner energy body with us?

About DJ Leela (Bart Kiers):

Leela = Sanskrit for The Dance of Life. It is an invitation to, with a playful attitude, meet both the dark and bright sides of life's waves. Bart has over a decade of experience as a (handpan) musician and Ecstatic Dance DJ. His intuitive and playful music style is mesmerizing and inviting all who wish to join the journey to open your heart and free your mind.

About David Pho:

Stillness in motion is my life credo. After obtaining his Leiden University degree in Chinese languages and cultures in 1997, he started his life-long journey and practice of taoism, taijiquan, and qigong in the School van de Kraanvogel. He has been actively practicing these traditional taoist arts for over 20 years. Since 2020, he has expanded his journey with traditional Chinese medicine studies at the Academie Qingbai combined with learning primitive survival and nature skills with the Bosbeweging to connect deeply with the natural world and the nature in ourselves.

Zondag 28 april 2024 van 15:00 tot 18:00

Kokopelli, Warmoesstraat 12, 1012 JD Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Everyone is an artist.”

To make arts and dance with life, for both the bright and dark sides. To co-create and share holistic events with you and nature. Amsterdam-based.


Mellany Van Heijningen

Mindful Tea Ceremony with Taoist Qigong Practices/Ritual in Nature

Een hele fijne theeceremonie en QiGong practice. In de natuur, verbonden, vertragen, precies wat ik nodig had deze mooie zondag. De kinderen waren ook welkom wat erg fijn was, dankjewel!

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Ecstatic Dance + Co-created Arts in Nature (Flevopark, Donation-Based)

Such a lovely experience to dance in nature while enjoying a musical journey <3

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Nicholas Henry Fidler

Move your Inner Body - Ecstatic Dance and Taoist Qigong

Really loved the qi-gong at the beginning and the DJ was great. Loved the enthusiasm as well!

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Move your Inner Body - Ecstatic Dance and Taoist Qigong

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