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The LAST Conscious StripClub - Polarity Play

Zaterdag 29 juni 2024 van 13:30 tot 22:30

Ter Gouwstraat 3, 1093 JX Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

The Conscious Str!pClub - Polarity Play
~ All gender edition

Do you want to bring ALL of you into connection?
Want to attract from a space of self-acceptance?
Are you curious to play with polarity?

The Conscious Str.pclub is focused on deconditioning collective programming around sensual expression. LAST LAPDANCE EVENT FOR A WHILE 👀

💫 What you will TAKE AWAY:
* Lasting confidence that stems from authentic (self)connection
* Tools that support your self-connection while dancing
* Step into your pleasure, say goodbye to pleasing/ faking
* Insight into desires and boundaries
* Being held in a group of like minded beings
* Lapdance moves
💫 This is for you to:
* prioritize self-connection over pleasing
* learn how to move your hips and overcome any awkwardness when it comes to your body and its sensual expression
* deepen self-love and own your sexiness
💫 This is not for you, if you:
- think lap dancing is only about pleasing the receiver and are not willing to challenge that
- don’t want to do the work and are just looking for a peak experience

S c h e d u l e :
14.00 Doors open
14.30 Opening Circle
15.00 Pelvic Yoga & breathwork
15.30 Partnered exercises (uncovering limiting beliefs, no touch)
16.00 Consent & Connection (Wheel of Consent)
17.00 Lap dance
18.00 Break
19.00 Guided Exercises
20.00 Free Flow Temple
22.30 Closing Circle

1st tier €75,-
2nd tier €85,-
3rd tier €99,-

F A Q :
- What if I don’t want touch?
Especially for people like us, I have invented energetic lapdance 😉 There will be opportunities to join without touch (witnessing and being witnessed without touch is equally powerful). There will also be an introvert corner for if you need some space/ time.
- What if I dont want to do X in the moment❓
Your boundaries are sacred. During each exercise and from moment to moment we will honor and celebrate you if you opt out or create an altered exercise that suits you. In fact this is part of the practise of empowerment! Break the narrative of “I have to do x because the facilitator said so” maybe you will give an energetic lapdance or chose to witness instead. All is equally powerful, as long as it is your authentic expression.
- Am I too old/ big/ unskilled❓
We are here for you regardless if you are a beginner, if you are 90 years old, or think you are overweight. You as a paying participant have every right to be in the space! In gfact this is a great oppertunity to challange limiting beliefs you might have internalized around this!
- What to wear❓
Kneepads are your friend. Order kneepads here:
Heels are optional. Basically wear whatever makes you feel good! What side of yourself would you like to embody? Dress for that!
Need inspiration? Here is a list of my recommendations:
- Why use lapdance for self-development❓
Listen, you are not going to meet your programming around sensuality in a library (probably)! And you are not going to expand without awareness of what is getting in the way.
Truth is we need a little conscious triggering to discover what we believe on an unconscious level.
And lap dance has proven to be excelent at triggering people 😉
I have witnessed people who were confident and expressive in their daily lives, suddenly freeze up or get into performance-mode when lap dancing.
When diving deeper into this pattern, we discovered that this was exactly what they did in the bedroom.
Time and time again participants would share about the ripple effect of deconstructing limiting beliefs through lap dance, it made their love life better, their confidence, their radiance.
So why not use lap dance to dive deeper? Which belief stands in the way of lap dance being a path to self devolopment, and do you want to keep believing that?

- - R e v i e w s - -
"This was such a healing and empowering session. I really loved every moment and met some beautiful souls too. The instructor, Ariana, has such a soothing way about her. I felt zen just being in her presence and she really cultivates and maintains this vibe throughout the entire session"

"My first time going here and doing anything like this, but felt very comfortable and welcome during the session. I will definately come back "

"From diving into divine sensuality to peel of layers to reach our heart space and nurture our wounds. We were given time to breathe, to dance and express through and with these feelings. And also to hold space for our sisters and see what they needed. With a glimp in my soul, I look back on our gatherings where I could take a deep breathe and let go and explore with other women what's beneath our surface. It's something I yearn for as a weekly practice. I highly recommend to experience one of these healing circles Thank you so much for all the delightful experiences Ariana" - Yasmin

"I have experienced Ariana's teachings as deep & transformative. I saw her as no other being able to connect me with my innermost feelings and create a safe space for it. Anything that needed to come to the surface was seen and held with a lot of delicacy and patience. I could transform my suffering of that moment into light and inspiration. I was reminded of that magic exists. Pure priestess work! Thank you! " - Xena

NO REFUNDS, however you are welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else.

Zaterdag 29 juni 2024 van 13:30 tot 22:30

Ter Gouwstraat 3, 1093 JX Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Empower yourself to empower the world”

We believe nothing to be more sexy than realness. This is why we centre authentic expression above all else during our sensual embodiment events.



Conscious Stripclub - create lasting confidence

Hele fijne workshop met een goede opbouw. Ik voelde me daardoor veilig.

Lees meer

Marnix Lamers

The Empowered StripC|ub

Very nice and safe atmosphere. I had a marvelous experience. So thanksful. While (lap)dancing, something bigger than the 'normal me' happened to me! I made moves in such a flow, this was awesome. I will get back!

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The LAST Conscious StripClub - Polarity Play

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