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EverAfter Temple Arts - Temple of Play

Zaterdag 27 juli 2024 van 13:00 tot 22:30

Veenendaalplein 147, 1106 CS Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

- When is the last time you laughed until you cried?
- Do you have enough of play in your adult life?

What if we combine a Temple Night with the playful setting of a scavenger hunt?!
Let us take you on an adventure! Starting with a literal scavenger hunt and ending in a soft temple space...👇

🕵️‍♀️ During the scavenger hunt ...
You and your team will follow clues that lead you outside, each clue guide you to an assignment. Assignments must be collected to be acted out inside of the venue. You will compete with another team with connective, funny and entertaining tasks.

🌙 Evening flow ...
We will guide you through the guidelines & consent exercises, creating the safety for play & exploration. During the free flow there are 4 areas to explore:
- Playfight
- K!nk
- Naughty storytelling
- Actual boardgames / games

S c h e d u l e (indicatory)
13.00-13.30 Doors Open
13.30 Opening Circle
Follow the clues and get sweet surprises along the way. Group bonding.
17.00 Break
18.00 Temple Doors Open
18.15 Opening Circle & Guidelines
18.45 Wheel of Consent, Boundaries & Attunement
19.45 Free Flow Temple Space
The Temple is divided in 4 areas:
Playfight area, Board Games area, Kinky area, Blindfolded dirty Storytelling area

C o n t r i b u t i o n
Single Ticket 89,- / 99,-
Duo Ticket 149-
Evening Only 39,-

F A Q's :
- What if I don’t want touch? 🚫
What an amazing opportunity to practice being real with what you do and don’t want! Especially if you have experienced unwanted touch you might be tense about connecting to others in a (potentially) sensual space. When in actuality this is (in my opinion) the exact medicine your nervous system needs: An experience of you not abandoning yourself for the sake of “not offending others”. An experience of being safe under the care of yourself. An experience of beings supported and even CELEBRATED in your “no”. There are always opportunities to have time and space for yourself. And you might find that when your no is welcomed, you can get creative with what IS possible and within your boundaries.
- What if I dont want to do X in the moment❓
Your boundaries are sacred. During each exercise and from moment to moment we will honor and celebrate you if you opt out or create an altered exercise that suits you. In fact this is part of the practice of empowerment! Break the narrative of “I have to do x because the facilitator said so”
- What to wear?
Scavenger hunt: Something you can move in, suitable for in and outdoors. Temple Night: Your sexy fantasy version🧜🏽‍♀️
- Can I come for 1 of the 2 parts?
You are free to leave at any point during the temple night, please do let us know so we can make sure you are well resourced when departing. There is no price reduction for early departure.
If you are experienced in temple space you are welcome for only the evening, however tickets will be limited.
- What are the boundaries?
During the day there will be no se.xuality, it will be a real scavenger hunt, with assignments and running around :) For the evening free flow: We will set the container together, I will decide depending on the group energy and any potential boundaries from participants where the boundary lies. So by all means communicate with me if you have desires/ boundaries around this and it will be taken into consideration. Group safety has priority.
- I bought a ticket, but can't come anymore. What now?
Refunds are not available, however you can transfer your ticket to someone else

Another Q u e s t i o n ?
Contact Ariana 06-38644531 /

Zaterdag 27 juli 2024 van 13:00 tot 22:30

Veenendaalplein 147, 1106 CS Amsterdam, Netherlands

Reserveer je spots!

Koop je tickets direct via Hipsy. Na betaling is je deelname definitief en ontvang je je tickets per e-mail.

Over de organisatie

“Empower yourself to empower the world”

We believe nothing to be more sexy than realness. This is why we centre authentic expression above all else during our sensual embodiment events.



Conscious Stripclub - create lasting confidence

Hele fijne workshop met een goede opbouw. Ik voelde me daardoor veilig.

Lees meer

Marnix Lamers

The Empowered StripC|ub

Very nice and safe atmosphere. I had a marvelous experience. So thanksful. While (lap)dancing, something bigger than the 'normal me' happened to me! I made moves in such a flow, this was awesome. I will get back!

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1. Kies je tickets
Femme identifying Ticket - 1st Tier Bijna uitverkocht

Including access to the full program

€ 89,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Male identifying TIcket - 1st Tier

Access to the full program

€ 89,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Male identifying ticket - 2nd tier

€ 99,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Duo Ticket (fem&masc) Bijna uitverkocht

Full access

€ 150,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Duo Ticket (Fem&Fem) Bijna uitverkocht

Full Access

€ 101,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Gender non Conforming Ticket Bijna uitverkocht

Full Access

€ 89,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Evening Only Femme Ticket - For experienced participants

Only available if you have joined a previous event by us.

€ 39,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Transactiekosten :
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
EverAfter Temple Arts - Temple of Play

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