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Khulana Ecstatic Dance The Hague with DJ Dario Panthera + Carrie Tree

Zaterdag 11 mei 2024 van 19:00 tot 23:00

Paviljoensgracht 18, 2512 BP Den Haag, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Welcome new friends & tribe of Khulana!

Khulana Ecstatic Dance in The Hague with DJ Dario Panthera + a performance by Carrie Tree (UK)

An evening with old and new friends, connection, experiencing deepening, stillness and celebrating life together. Welcome to Khulana!

We are THRILLED to announce that Carrie Tree will be giving a mini concert at this ceremony.

Carrie and Joshua recently played on the ship 'Avontuur' arc for healing and wellbeing in Rotterdam and the music was so inspiring that we asked her to be at Khulana before she travels back to the U.K.

Carrie is multitalented singer songwriter, AND as we discovered that evening a great groovy percussionist as well as the night ended in super swinging jam.

We are also very happy to announce DJ Dario Panthera !

He is coming to spin his favourite dance-tunes for the Ecstatic Dance!

This wild and enthusiastic DJ started out as a dancer and over the years has enraptured both himself and the dancers into the stirring tones of his ecstatic music.

DJ Dario Panthera roars behind the decks while he takes us on a journey full of blended world music with beats and drums.

He creates magic with his music by lifting the energy in our dancing bodies.

As we have a diverse programme from stillness to Ecstatic Dance we advise you to wear multiple layers of clothing.

Program Saturday May 11th

17:30 Opening of the potluck canteen. Bring your favourite bites and share food and good company. Have an optional cup of vegetarian soup, cacao or a glass of home-made kombucha.

19:00 Start ceremony, word of welcome by Joshua & Jade
19:15 Heartsongs, movement, connection and deepening Carrie Tree, Joshua & Jade
19:45 Ecstatic Dance DJ Dario Panthera
21:45 Mini concert by Carrie Tree & Joshua Samson
22:15 Sharing
22:30 Closing the ceremony

Please note: the door closes at 19:45!
We are looking forward connecting with you and dance & play together 🦋

What is Khulana?

a conscious (no alcohol/no drugs) community

Why should I come to Khulana?

Khulana is an 'alternative' night out.

We host an evening where we connect with each other, where we invite a moment of stillness and where we allow ourselves to dive deep in order to rise up high by the music, dance and by the practises presented during the evening.

Zaterdag 11 mei 2024 van 19:00 tot 23:00

Paviljoensgracht 18, 2512 BP Den Haag, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“We are Spiritual Beings going through a human experience ♥️”

Khulana. Conscious Community. Connect, Deepen, Experience Silence and Celebrate Life with Ecstatic Dance. a Church in it’s purest form.


Judith Kiowa

Khulana Silent Sunday with Willemijn & Zasja + DJade.

Een sfeervolle plek, fijne mensen en ik heb heerlijk gedanst. Kom graag terug!

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Khulana Silent Sunday with Willemijn & Zasja + DJade.

Wow, de Silent Sunday voelt als een complete reis. De begeleide meditatie, muziek en zang van Willemijn en Zasja zorgen ervoor dat ik echt diep ga, helemaal open ga. En dan daarna lekker het leven vieren, los op de dansvloer, bij de set van DJade. En dan ook nog eens een gezellige en heerlijke potluck achteraf. De cirkel is rond! Zeker een aanrader dit, ook de plek is heel fijn. Voelt voor mij als thuiskomen.

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Sharon Koster

Khulana Ecstatic Dance The Hague Djay Tobi & Le Fabre

Het was weer heerlijk! Lieve mensen, lekker gedanst op fijne muziek van DJ Lars en Tobi. + ademsessie & handpan, fijne combi <3

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Khulana Ecstatic Dance The Hague with DJ Dario Panthera + Carrie Tree

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