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Breathwork workshop II

Zaterdag 18 mei 2024 van 11:00 tot 13:30

Vijverhofstraat 112, 3032 SP Rotterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

For this second session we will be diving again in the breath and it's power for physical relaxation and mind exploration.

- First part we will fine tune and rediscover our long lost functional breathing, using the whole breathing system in a more optimal way, to reduce stress and ground yourself.
We will combine it with slow and gentle movement on laying down to learn how to decompress your spine and reduce lower back and shoulder tension.

- Second we will dive into the power of conscious connected breathing and experience a transformational breathing.
During a bit more than 1 hr I will be guiding you with worfds and musique, making sure that you feel safe and supported with my collaborator Aykut.
This breathwork can be challenging and pushing you out of your comfort zone, that is why Me and Aykut are here to support.

Understanding more about yourself, your rules and belief and letting out stored energy will be my purpose for this session.
Emotions can come up, it is not uncommon to cry during the session, energy release, past memories, can be part of the journey.

Finally, Imagine being 10 times more relax and focus than a daily practice of 30 minutes of meditation for 2 weeks straigth.
I have been practicing meditation for some time already and this breathwork practice is just unique.

What you need to bring :

- Yourself dressed comfortable
- An extra Sweater to put on the side (I will explain you why on the spot)

I will provide :
- Mats
- Blankets
- Eye cover
- Food (after breathwork)
- Good company (I will try my best)

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
If you want to join but cannot afford the price of the ticket PLEASE contact me and we will make it happpen :)

via email

Zaterdag 18 mei 2024 van 11:00 tot 13:30

Vijverhofstraat 112, 3032 SP Rotterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Life is just a game you just have to play it right and have fun ;)”

My focus is to help people with their body and their mind to grow holder stronger !

James daime Body therapist and Breath coach



Breathwork workshop II

A very nice experience. I was definitely impressed by the results. I'm glad I gave this gift to myself. Breath in, breath out, marvelous.

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Coral Garcia

Breathwork workshop II

Amazing experience. I would totally recommend

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Merel Luichies

Breathwork workshop II

James and his assistant did an amazing job. It was my first experience with breath work and it was very intense, but thanks to their loving care, I managed to fully surrender myself to the experience, which resulted in valuable insights and personal growth as a reward!

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Breathwork workshop II

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