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Men's circle "The existence of life"

Woensdag 24 april 2024 van 18:00 tot 22:00

De Siptenpad, 5032 Tilburg, Nederland

Over dit evenement

Op 24 april is het volle maan. We komen samen rond het vuur in een prachtig privebos aan de rand van Tilburg. De mannencirkel wordt geleid door een zeer speciale en ervaren VROUW!
Helene Lindmark is een zeer ervaren Wisdomkeeper/Great-Grandmother van het Sami volk (Lapland) uit Zweden. Mocht je vragen hebben laat het mij weten:
Godert Verbiest
stichting de Oersprong

Dit is wat Helene zelf zegt over de ceremonie:

Welcome to an evening to open new paths.
Guided by the Wisdomkeeper, Noaidi Helene Lindmark “Ancestor wisdom from Sapmi”.
Do you feel ready to take further steps in life and find new ways to express the man within you in harmony with your body, soul, and spirit?
We gather this evening in the circle. We meet ourselves in the space of the present, open for a journey into the roots, to the heart, to our pure essence.
Allow the man within you to exist in unconditional love and gratitude. From the present consciousness into the subconscious, your inner source. Guided by the drum and the heartbeat within you. Reconnect with life.
- Do you feel a longing for community and togetherness?
- Are you curious about opening new doors?
- Do you allow the emotions to exist so that they do not get stuck in
- Do you want to live in harmony with your inner strength?

You will be allowed to open up and be curious about what is moving inside of you. By embracing and acknowledging each other in silence, security, and love.
Sharing life with another man, seeing life's inner reflections, and sharing experiences, thoughts, and feelings is very powerful.
It allows you to acknowledge what is calling and longing within you.
We start the evening with a light meal. Take something with you that can cover your eyes: warm, cozy clothes, a water bottle, and a smile.
Feel free to bring a drum or something precious for you.
We are entering a sacred space and weaving into the knowing beyond the beyond.
I am Helene Lindmark, Máttaráhkká (great-grandmother), wisdom keeper, lineage holder, and healer of the Sámi. I grew up in Liikavaara, a village south of Gällivare in Sweden, in the Northern part of Sápmi. A village that is today erased due to mining.
I follow the shamanic tradition of my ancestral heritage from Sápmi and the Northern parts of Sweden, Russia, and Finland. There are old traditions, which have been partially protected and hidden in silence. As a child, I had a rich inner world and I received many visions, sensations, and messages.
I grew up with a close friendship with nature, surrounded by wisdom from the elders.
My origins in wisdom, knowledge, spirituality, shamanism, and healing come from my mother's and father's lines.
I have a background in the social sector with extensive experience in healthcare, psychiatry, and trauma care with investigation and treatment.
During these days, I want to introduce you to the path I have chosen to follow. Share, and open doors to the ancient wisdom and tradition of living one with nature, all creation, the seasons, and the elements.
To come home, to your origin, to your heart!!!
I walk with my knowledge as a voice for Mother Earth, for my people, and for the ancestral wisdom stored in the lands of my indigenous people and Mother Earth. My calling is to mentor, inspire, and guide, the keys to transition and healing. I am incredibly grateful for my life path, roots, gifts, and the ancient wisdom of the North that I have been honored to convey and share with the world.
The mystical land of Sápmi Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The home of the Sámi people, where culture, nature, and tradition intertwined in a magical dance. Like an artist's canvas, the landscapes painted a breathtaking picture of beauty and wonder.
Sápmi more than just the land of reindeer herders and vibrant traditional clothing. Beyond the reindeer, a treasure trove awaited – a collection of diverse traditions, a rich history, and a unique culture that had the power to captivate the very soul.
Sápmi, a nation without borders, was a tale of unity. People were bound by a shared language, history, and culture that transcended physical boundaries. It was a celebration of the midnight sun casting its golden glow and the northern lights dancing in the night sky. A deep-rooted respect for nature echoed through the generations, creating a timeless bond.
The heart of Sámi life, a sacred connection with the reindeer unfolded. An intimate bond that shaped existence through eight seasons, each mirroring the majestic migration of these noble creatures – from winter grazing lands to summer pastures.
Sápmi, in its uniqueness, shared similarities with other indigenous cultures while maintaining a distinct identity. It was a harmonious fusion of shared roots and individual uniqueness, creating a mosaic that resonated deep within the soul.

Welcome to this ceremonial evening
Love Helene

Woensdag 24 april 2024 van 18:00 tot 22:00

De Siptenpad, 5032 Tilburg, Nederland

Over de organisatie

“Simplify your life, Be the change!”

Natuur en onthaasting: Verbinden met je eigen "boeddha" natuur, elkaar (de stam) en de niet menselijke natuur om ons heen.


Nandy Van Ark

Oersprong opening: Tipi's van Gogh

Genoten op een prachtige plek met mooie mensen. Saamhorigheidsgevoel in de ontmoeting met muziek en zang en heerlijk veganistisch eten. Ik kijk terug op een mooie dag. 🙏

Lees meer

Paul Van riel

Men's circle "The existence of life"

Helene creerde met haar eigen verhaal en kennis een sfeer waarin iedereen zich kon openen om te vertellen over wat hem bracht, wat zijn dierbaarste herinnering was en wat hij nodig heeft. Verlang naar meer mannenwerk; elke nieuwe maan bij elkaar komen? In Moerenburg ? Bij kampvuur en trommelend?

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Men's circle "The existence of life"

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