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Unity Breath Journey 08-06

Zaterdag 08 juni 2024 van 10:00 tot 12:30

Alysa Yoga, Hunnenweg 4, 6224 JP Maastricht, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Do you want to feel more Alive and Free? Full of Power and in Touch with Your Self? Develop more Compassion and Self-Love?

Join me on a Unity Breath Journey where your own breath becomes the key to connection, healing, and love!

Breathwork is a powerful tool to release tension and to explore life questions, themes you struggle with, and/or intentions for personal and spiritual growth. The method that I work with is called Conscious Connected Breathing. This somatic technique brings you deeply in touch with your body and feelings. It’s a dynamic meditation which supports you to let go of deep tensions, old patterns, repressed emotions, (un)conscious beliefs – layer by layer.

It is only when you are able to let go of that which no longer serves you, that you can manifest the positive change you are wishing for in your life.

- 09.45 – 10.00: Doors open, arrive early and enjoy a cup of tea.
- 10.00 – 10:30: Welcome and warm-up with preparatory exercises.
- 10:30 – 11:00: Intention setting and sharing circle.
- 11:00 – 12.00: Conscious Connected Breathing.
- 12.00 – 12.30: Closing sharing circle with tea and fruits.

During a joint Breath Journey, everyone experiences their own unique process. By coming together in a circle and breathing as one, we support and strengthen each other. This creates a feeling of deep connection with and recognition in each other.

The Breath Journey will consist of a small group of maximum 8 people. In this way I can make sure everyone gets the individual support they need. During the Conscious Connected Breathing, touch and pressure points are used to guide and support you.

So, are you ready to let go of what no longer serves you? If yes, what do you want to release and unfold? And what do you want to manifest in return?

Beneath these layers you arrive at Compassion and Love. Breathwork can be regarded as a real Heart Opener. Participants often experience more Clarity, Peace and Presence after a Breathwork session.

Looking forward to see you Unfold and Transform!

With a loving breath,

If you have questions or want to discuss your suitability for this event, please reach out via or +31(0)6 3893 3196.


A basic level of physical fitness and mental health is required to participate.

Contraindications (when not to participate) are: epilepsy, glaucoma or retinal detachment, cardiovascular disorders, (uncontrolled) high blood pressure, after cerebral haemorrhage or stroke, recent accident or surgery, serious psychological conditions – now or in the past – or pregnancy. Please let me know in advance if you have any (other) medical condition.

Breathwork is a type of bodywork. Therefor, besides verbal instructions, guidance will be offered through touch. Consent will be taken into account. If you are – at this moment – uncomfortable with touch (in general) please contact me to discuss the possibilities.

A Unity Breath Journey offers a safe space for vulnerability, inner work and deep healing. Operating from a place of love, respect and compassion, it's an inclusive and Rainbow Friendly event. Unfortunately and to my regret, the venue is not wheelchair accessible.

If you are unexpectedly unable to attend due to illness or other reasons, you are allowed to send someone else in your place to the event. Please inform us beforehand so we know who's coming. However, please note that tickets are non-refundable and cannot be used for any other event.

Zaterdag 08 juni 2024 van 10:00 tot 12:30

Alysa Yoga, Hunnenweg 4, 6224 JP Maastricht, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Groei begint met contact! ”

Groei begint met contact! KIEM Praktijk voor persoonlijke begeleiding en ondersteuning bij het vergroten van jouw veerkracht, groei en bewustwording.


Cindy Esselstyn

Unity Breath Journey 08-06

Again, Dennis has such a gift with holding space for others to heal. Deepest bows my friend... I will return.

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Stephanie Temple

Unity Breath Journey 17-05

Amazing session. A lot of “cleaning up” thank you so much Dennis!

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Marieke Senden

Unity Breath Journey 06-04

Een fantastische ochtend onder deskundige en zeer zorgvuldige begeleiding van Dennis; met een natural high die de hele zaterdag voortduurde. Heerlijk! Een aanrader!

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Unity Breath Journey 08-06

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