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The Quiet Orgasm: Body, Energy & Expanded Consciousness Tantra Retreat

Vrijdag 07 juni 2024 om 10:00 tot zondag 09 juni 2024 om 21:00

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

— Do you find yourself doing the same exercises again and again at the different events you attend?
— Do you long to go deeper into pleasure and experience the power of a full-body energetic orgasm?
— Are you a curious soul who wants to listen deeply to a wisdom that comes from a presence within?
— Do you want to harness the power of energy, for healing, growth and magic?

This retreat is for those who wish to move beyond the physical act of ‘love-making’ and instead learn how to ‘Make’ more ‘Love’. A wondrous act. An art in which ancient techniques enable the collision of polarities which transform this sexual energy, that births cells and stars, into energetic orgasms which fill the body with pleasure, allowing us to manifest love into material reality from an ecstatic quiet of deep listening.

Join us to begin the journey towards the quiet place, where energy can flow freely and simple things, such as the feel of rain or the smell of earth, may fill the body with orgasmic pleasure.

Temple Arts // Energetic and Physical Bodywork // Plant Medicine // Polarity Play // Art // Movement // Ritual // Nature // Integration

Join us from June 7-9 in Amsterdam for a unique tantric retreat, to sign up please fill in the application form:

More information:

This is not just another intense or fun experience.

The kind that, once done, we just go home and return to the same old life patterns until the next workshop/retreat/healing session, the next ‘fix’ of ‘intense spiritual’ experience.

It is the beginning of a journey to remember again how to work the most powerful energy in the universe, our life force, our Qi/Chi, our sexual energy. This creative force that can manifest into material reality far more than babies.

The journey will likely:

- Include Temple Arts, Energetic and Physical Bodywork, optional Plant Medicine (Mappacho & Blue Lotus), Polarity Play, Art Integration, Music, Movement, Dance, Rituals and Nature...
– Work with your life force so you can begin to sense, move, release and circulate your Qi/Chi and experience energetic full-body orgasms enabling deeper connection, creativity and magic
– Support you to shift towards a sense of peace and alignment, an appreciation of the quietness, how to allow, trust and work with the different forms of ‘knowing’ that can emerge from this deeply silent space
– Explore in depth the Tantric principles of Contraction and Expansion and the Dance of Polarity so that we can arrive at deep, meaningful, bodily consent, energetic boundaries, true presence and true surrender, enabling energy to flow
– Provide methods which support you to release contractions and blockages so energy can flow again
– Provide methods which support you to find presence, grounding and inner peace so that you can breathe again
– Increase your capacity to engage in intimacy and deeper connection with yourself and with others
– Enable you to integrate these wisdoms, profound experiences, understandings and insights back into your daily lives after you leave the retreat so you can benefit from these profound experiences and teachings and continue to grow and heal

This retreat is for those who wish to learn to work with their Qi/Chi experience ecstatic and orgasmic states which enable you to enter a quiet place, an expanded state where you feel safe and able to channel. A place where you can begin to break out of the patterns which hold you small. A place where you can be guided by greater wisdom towards your birthrights: orgasmic pleasure in the body and an ability to use sexual energy to heal, to expand, to play and integrate fundamental shifts into your daily life.

We will work with both ancient wisdoms and techniques from both Eastern and Western traditions and with Nature. We will invite in our unique and yet collective gifts.

We will begin to feel, to release, to listen, to return into the body, again and again, allowing life energy to flow, releasing tension so it can transmute into the ecstasy of love, pleasure and orgasm.

We will allow space for emergence to evolve so as to experience deeply nourishing insights, pleasure and growth, as well as the courage to truly look into shadows, feel fully and let go of what no longer serves.

We will immerse ourselves in a space where we can play, explore, connect and practice what we learned so we may continue to journey together.

Elements we may play with:

- Guided & Themed Temple Nights with free play and practice of all that was learned
– Ancient Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony and the world of sensuality

– Deep dive into Contractions and Expansion of Consent
– The dance of Polarity, the awakening into surrender and presence
– The meaning and practice of magic and creation of Ritual

– Transmuting sexual energy into full-body orgasmic sensations
– Sensitivity to energy fields and our energy bodies

- Releasing physical and emotional blockages that prevent energy from circulating
- Connected intuitive touch
- Mappacho Plant Medicine Ceremony (optional)
- Energy Circulation and Orgasmic Sensation
- The Ritual: a deeply profound experience in which one experiences orgasmic pleasure throughout the body and enter the Quiet Place

– Journey deeper into joy and playfulness with live DJ and music
– Grounding through slow movements
– Silent and Mindful Eating and Walk

– Integration through Art Expressions, Nature, Reflection, Ritual and silence
– Ecstatic Movements & Co-created Arts


We hope to share with you some of the benefits we have experienced by working with teachers of great wisdom and power. We want to do this by creating shorter more affordable events so that these vital teachings are accessible more widely. We believe the power of a deeper dive into tantra should be for the many, not the privileged few.

Whatever your background, ethnicity, sexuality or gender you are welcome to travel with us as together, we explore the profound depths of presence within. This is a co-created journey where everything can happen but nothing has to happen. We welcome curious and brave souls of all shapes and backgrounds.


- If you wish to join us please fill in this application form:
- If you have any financial difficulty, feel free to reach out. We will try our best to find a way.


– 3-day deep dive program and flow with an experienced and passionate facilitating and space-holding team
– 2 nights of shared accommodation, just 10 minutes from the centre of Amsterdam at the Farm of Inspiration, in the nature area yet close enough to the city
– Healthy and delicious vegetarian/vegan food
– Journey deeper into joy with live DJ and musician Leela
– Beautiful nature around for walking and grounding

(Note: this experience will be guided in English)


Wave Davis

Wave has undertaken many years of extensive tantric training. His teachers have included Alan Lowen (Art Of Being) and Pema (Wild Tantra). He has years of experience in healing modalities from non-Western and Western traditions such as De-armouring (Gaia Method), Zen Buddism (Thich Nhat Hanh), CBT, EMDR, and NVC. You can often find him facilitating and co-creating at temple spaces.

He is deeply connected with several plant medicines including Mappacho and Ayuashsca having spent months in the Lareto region of the Amazon rainforest learning from Maestro Heberto Garcia. Wave is also a writer, facilitator and activist. He is also the founder of Organising from Elsewhere which aims to listen in radically new ways to people whose ways of knowing and being together are fundamentally different from ours to help new forms of collective organising emerge.

“The workshop was extremely powerful and with his guidance, we felt very safe and committed. On a technical level, there's a lot to take in, understand and keep in mind, and still, Wave made it much easier with how he guided us and helped us focus on the crucial parts” - Space Monkey

“Loved it. I felt safe, connected. The best temple I've experienced in terms of truly bringing together sacredness & sexuality. I want to join every future temple by them” - Ariana Lara Norcia


Leila = Sanskrit for The Dance of Life. And the Night/Darkness in Arabic. It is an invitation to, with a playful attitude, meet both the dark and bright sides of life’s waves. World Wanderer and Life Artist Leila is rooted in both East and West learning from various ancient traditions and sharing wisdoms in her own unique ways. She passionately loves to be inspired and inspire people to share their own aliveness and gifts, and to co-create that juice of life together. She believes in co-creating the Art of Living in harmony with (our own) Nature, via 1:1, group ceremonies and retreats.

She practices the flow of the Tao (The Way of Nature), Tea Ceremony & Plant Medicine, and Ecstatic Arts and Movements. She enjoys bringing all forms of arts together into the Temple of Life through Tantra and Temple Arts (inspired by ISTA and other mystery schools), and being in service of the divine through Sacred Bodywork. She loves putting her feet on the ground helping people integrate those profound ritual moments into daily life. Check out the website:


Feel free to contact us via email hello@leilarts.con or WhatsApp +31 613596848 (Leila) / +447723018520 (Wave)

Vrijdag 07 juni 2024 om 10:00 tot zondag 09 juni 2024 om 21:00

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

Paradigm Pills runs creative unexpected transformative events with the aim of to support people to experience paradigmatic shifts in their lives

Paradigm Pills

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The Quiet Orgasm: Body, Energy & Expanded Consciousness Tantra Retreat

In één woord “magisch”! Deze facilitators, met dit team, slaagde erin om gedurende de drie dagen een cocon van veiligheid en geborgenheid te co-creëren om een enorme sprong in het diepe mogelijk te maken. En die sprong in het diepe was exact waar mijn lijf en m’n hele zijn al zo lang naar verlangde. Alles klopte in deze dagen,. En deze dagen toonden aan dat no matter what, het proces vertrouwd kan worden. Een diepe buiging voor dit team, voor de geborgenheid en warmte en genegenheid die hier was voor ons allemaal. De tantra die hier geboden wordt is niet die van een happy-go-lucky-feelgood retreat. Het was werken, het was vermoeiend. Als je een paar dagen wil luieren in je zon en NIET je eigen schaduwkant wil zien/beleven/ervaren, dan moet je hier niet zijn.

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It was my first time in such a workshop, and I loved it! Wave and Tom are amazing facilitators.

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Lisa Bruin

Energy Orgasms 101: Ritual Release Ecstasy | One-Day Workshop & Temple

Absolutely loved Wave his devotion, passion and teachings. Wave feels solid and safe. A full day with lots of deep insights and release. Thank you Wave and Tom!

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The Quiet Orgasm: Body, Energy & Expanded Consciousness Tantra Retreat

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