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Vrijdag 21 juni 2024 om 15:00 tot zondag 23 juni 2024 om 16:00

Hippolytushoef, Netherlands

Over dit evenement


Aligning with this energy charged weekend to create a sacred & safe space where we can connect within, without & with each other, releasing patterns that no longer serve us and expanding our consciousness in community, through practices that support us in remembering our wholeness.

As women, we will tap into the wisdom that becomes available when we connect to our cyclic nature – and that of the earth, the moon and of life itself.
As practitioners, we will use a variety of practices from different traditions to allow the body and mind to relax, to open up and to be free.
We are gifted with the energy of the summer solstice AND of the full moon, the perfect time to gather in sisterhood and to embody this beautiful uplifting energy.

Come and celebrate with us, a unique opportunity to be held together by Claudia & Veronica, after many years of being separated by the ocean.

The program reflects our intention for the weekend: to relax and release, to connect to ourselves and to others, to leave feeling recharged and expanded.
During the weekend we will offer sessions which incorporate the following tools:
- Yoga (Ashtanga and Yin Yang)
- Meditation & Pranayama
- Breathwork
- Inquiry
- Conscious sharing & witnessing
- Authentic movement & Free movement
- Ceremonial circles

We will create a safe and sacred space where we can inhabit our female bodies freely and fully, celebrating this special time together in sisterhood.

Yoga practices will help us dropping deeper into the wisdom of the body, creating space in our body-mind, and balance in our nervous system.

Breathwork will help us clearing blockages at the energy level of the body, creating space for Spirit to move more freely. Spirit can then express itself joyously through movement and rhythm.

Inquiry and conscious relating are the tools we will use to bring light onto the parts of us which need some integration and some healing. Sharing our vulnerable parts and being witnessed in full presence by another is a powerful tool to set forth positive change. A Circle is a timeless medicine to connect with each other and to heal the collective wound of separation. And Cacao is simply the medicine of the Heart, traditionally used to connect us with the Feminine/Spirit/Heart. And it’s delicious.

There is also time to rest and restore, and time for private guidance from Claudia or Veronica should that be needed.

Weather permitting – we will also use the magic of nature, with the solstice and the full moon energy, to enrich our experience and nourish our connections, bringing awareness to our cyclic wisdom and to the natural cycles of nature.

While we offer a full schedule for the 3 days, we also invite you to feel for yourself what you need and to take as much as you need or can. Nothing is compulsory, everything is optional. We may also bring changes to the program as we go along depending on what is needed in the group. Please come with an open mind and no expectations for the best possible experience.

Women* of all ages and all stages of life, longing for more connection and ease in their lives.
If you have a regular Ashtanga (Mysore) practice, this retreat is very much for you! Claudia & Veronica are long term dedicated ashtanga practitioners and this retreat will help grounding your practice in a more holistic and life long vision of healing and (female) well being, where our daily practices occupy an essential yet ever changing role.
If you are a practitioner of any style and level of experience, we would love to welcome you at this retreat. We offer and embodied and holistic approach to practice for female practitioners, which offers space to integrate your own practice fully, regardless from what that might be.
All our sessions are beginners-friendly, if you are new to practice and interested in joining us on this retreat, you are more than welcome. An affinity with yoga is however recommended, as many of our practices are based on yogic traditions.
If you’re not sure if this retreat is for you please get in touch with us.

*women only retreat, why? This is a short retreat of just 3 days and we found that with a woman group a sense of safety is felt much sooner, as we can relax more when we are held and witnessed by other women.

From Friday 21 June (arriving by 15:00)
To Sunday 23 June (departing by 16:00)

Stroeërdijk 1, 1777 PG Hippolytushoef, The Netherlands
(1 hr drive north of Amsterdam, reachable with public transport, we can arrange pick up from Den Oever or Hippolytushoef bus stops)

€595 per person
includes 2 nights accommodation in shared room with private bathroom (2/3 persons), all meals, drinks and snacks, all group sessions
There is a limited availability for single room accommodation at extra costs, please enquiry with us via email if interested.

To reserve your spot please book your ticket here paying the deposit of €300. The balance payment of €295 is due 4 weeks prior to the retreat (by 24th may).

You can cancel up to 4 weeks prior to the start of the retreat for a full refund (minus €50 administration fee). No refunds within 4 weeks.

Claudia & Veronica have a long term connection from the days Veronica used to live in Amsterdam. Their love for practice had them connecting back them, their shared vision to deep meaning & healing had them nourishing their friendships over the years even with an ocean in between. Finally they get the opportunity to share what they’re passionate about and to do it together in dutch-land!

Claudia Pradella
I am Claudia, italian born living in the Nehterlands for over 20 years. My passion for travels brought me to explore different places and cultures in the world and to connect to wisdom traditions in various parts of the planet.
Yoga had a strong resonance within me and Ashtanga Yoga has been my primary container for nearly 25 years.
Yin Yoga is my second best, as it complements my very yang practice (I couldn’t imagine surviving a daily Ashtanga practice without some extra Yin poses). I’ve also cultivated a meditation practice and a connection to the Buddha Dharma, which deepened over many years of study and silent retreats.
I’m passionate about the psychology of the mind, which brought me to deepen my studies of some of the classical indian text and to delve into self-inquiry tools.
As I’m growing older (and wiser) I’ve also inevitably changed the intensity of my asana practice and found great benefits in classical pranayama and breathwork practices.
I’ve been facilitating an Ashtanga Mysore program in Amsterdam for the last 15 years and teaching group classes, workshops and trainings. Yoga Circle Amsterdam is the second yoga studio I co-founded (

Veronica Berezowsky
Hola, my name is Veronica. I am a curious soul inhabiting, in this lifetime, the mysterious body of a woman. I deeply recall a wiser way of existing on Earth and I aim to contribute in restoring it. I follow my heart and cannot do otherwise. This has brought me through the darkness and light in a challenging but deeply meaningful life journey.
The essence of my work centers on holding sacred space for a conscious and embodied process to develop, which supports the integration of (y)our individual, ancestral & collective wounds, in a journey towards a more conscious, fulfilling and meaningful existence (Wholeness).
Currently I live in Vancouver and work in private practice using tools like dance/movement & somatic psychotherapy, EMDR, cyclical awareness, conscious embodiment & breathing practices, self-inquiry, psycho-spiritual education, ritual & ceremony, within others.
I have also been teaching Ashtanga Yoga for over a decade, facilitating my own Mysore group in Vancouver in the last few years and also offering regular pranayama classes.
I’ve just opened my first yoga studio in Vancouver, with a focus on yoga, community and healing (

Full details about this weekend retreat can be found on :

Vrijdag 21 juni 2024 om 15:00 tot zondag 23 juni 2024 om 16:00

Hippolytushoef, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Breath is what brings magic to the practice”

Embodied practices based on wisdom traditions to help us connect within and without, open our bodies and minds, free the Self.


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