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Praful & Vimal :: Shamanic Breath SoundJourney with Sacred Cacao

Vrijdag 06 september 2024 van 13:00 tot 17:00

Vondelkerk, Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam, Nederland

Over dit evenement

HeartFire Special

Praful :: Shamanic Breath SoundJourney with Sacred Cacao
6 September 2024 @Vondelkerk Amsterdam

We are very happy to welcome Praful back to Amsterdam for the first time in 5 years for a shamanic sound journey in the afternoon and a ceremonial concert in the evening. You can join both or separately. Join us for a deep musical journey into conscious breath, healing sound and sacred songs.

Shamanic Breath Ceremony with Sacred Cacao

Praful and Rashijna Vimal Gabrielsen

🌬️✨ Embark on a transformative journey into the Pure Heart:

Experience the profound synergy of breath, air, and sacred cacao as they work miracles to purify, connect with our hearts, and elevate our beings. In this workshop, we will explore the depths of conscious breathing, effortlessly transcending into a space of NoMind. Through this practice, we cleanse and unblock energies, gaining clarity and vision about our true essence and life’s path.

🍫 Ceremonial Cacao, the Divine Medicine:

Enhancing our inner voyage is the ceremonial cacao, known as the divine medicine of the Incas. As we partake in its sacred essence, we establish immediate contact with the universal heart and tap into the profound wisdom of nature. All intentions are welcomed – whether you seek to be seen, uplifted or dissolved, this sacred combination will guide you.

🎶 Live Multi-Layered Sonic Tapestry:

Praful, with his live-created multi-layered sonic tapestry and warm voice, takes us on a magical journey. Through the healing power of sound, he weaves intricate patterns that resonate with the depths of our souls.

🥁 Bring Your Instrument, Use Your Voice:

Be an active participant in your transformation. Bring an instrument, f.i. a drum, and be prepared to use your voice to sing from the bottom of your heart.

🌟 Celebrate the Miracle of Life:

As we collectively engage in this celebration of life, we create a harmonious frequency of healing and unity urgently needed now by Earth and all sentient beings. 🌿

More (practical) information on the eventpage on our website:

Vrijdag 06 september 2024 van 13:00 tot 17:00

Vondelkerk, Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam, Nederland

Reserveer je spots!

Koop je tickets direct via Hipsy. Na betaling is je deelname definitief en ontvang je je tickets per e-mail.

Over de organisatie

HeartFire organizes concerts and events that open the heart. HeartFire is a co-creation of Daniëlle Doeve & Jeroen van Kemenade.


Sander De Jong

HeartFire Special : Malte Marten | Handpan Concert & Two Masterclasses

Gigantisch goeie ervaring, malte is een hele fijne kerel en kan zo goed handpan spelen !! Ik ga snel weer :)

Lees meer


HeartFire Special : Malte Marten | Handpan Concert & Two Masterclasses

Concert was fantastisch en heb samen met mijn vriendin heerlijk genoten. Leuk Malte een keer live te zien spelen! De Masterclass voor gevorderden in de middag viel behoorlijk tegen. Had verwacht wat meer te leren en inspiratie op te doen. Maar het was veel praten en voor mij persoonlijk teveel irrelevante vragen en opmerkingen van deelnemers tijdens het vragen rondje die dan ook eindeloos leek te duren. De groep was denk daarvoor ook te groot. Het was vooral gezellig met elkaar praten over de handpan en wat je ermee kan. Ook zoals iemand anders al beschreef leek Malte me ook niet echt geïnspireerd, denk voor hem misschien ook allemaal een beetje teveel op een dag.

Lees meer

1. Kies je tickets
Early Bird Shamanic SoundJourney with Cacao (13:00 - 17:00)

A transformative musical journey into breathe, sound with the sacred cacao.

€ 60,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Praful Friends Ticket (2 tickets)

€ 100,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Shamanic SoundJourney with Cacao (13:00 - 17:00)

€ 65,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Early Bird Combiticket : Shamanic SoundJourney & Ceremonial Concert

€ 85,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Shamanic SoundJourney & Ceremonial Concert with Sacred Cacao

€ 95,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Transactiekosten :
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
Praful & Vimal :: Shamanic Breath SoundJourney with Sacred Cacao

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