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Mary Magdalene Temple: self pleasure & sexual reclamation (Women only)

Zondag 10 december 2023 van 13:00 tot 22:00

Kea Boumanstraat 38, 1095 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

**please note the location change**

Sisters, it is time to reclaim our sexual power. It is time to allow our sacred birthright of pleasure. It is time the goddess rises within us and that we take ownership of our bodies, blood, pussies (yes lets reclaim that word), pleasure, life-force, & womanhood.


A temple is connecting to the divine, welcoming all that you are, and immersing yourself in sexual ceremonial practices. Its a spiritually potent space where you use your sexually energy to open the portal to the Goddess. In Ancient societies, tribes would partake in sexual practices within sacred spaces (Temples) in order to connect deeper to divine energy, usually led by a Priest and/or Priestess. Sexual expression was (and still is) a form of prayer to the Goddess and was accepted and considered natural. Today, the sacredness and origin of sex as a channel to connect to divinity, higher states of consciousness, and to the holy mother earth has been forgotten and shamed. Most beings in our modern world are unaware of the spiritual potency sexuality invokes & what it truly means to partake in these practices.

This temple is in devotion to Mary Magdalene, who in my truth, was much more significant than Jesus's disciple. Magdalene was a worshiper of Goddess Isis and was a Priestess that used sacred sexual practices to heal others. Her spirit will help us to channel the divine feminine within our own vessel as we journey throughout the evening. She also represents the feminine part of the sacred union of the Christ consciousness (Jesus representing the masculine). So this is another layer as we will be doing deep work with our feminine energy to help initiate sacred union inside our own being. My work— called goddess activation— uses various feminine archetypes to assist the shamanic portal we will enter in this sacred work. So the focus of this event is to allow Mary Magdalene to be the holder & creator of this particular ceremony.


The Goddess is asking us to remember the sacredness & gift of our sexual energy-- which is the creative, life-force energy known as the divine feminine. The Goddess is asking us to gather in community to love ourselves deeper & one another deeper. The Goddess is asking us to learn our boundaries, understand true consent, so that we can enter a much free-er & safer sexual environment. The Goddess is asking us to look into our sexual shadows, to find compassion for our triggers, and to love & heal our pain so that we can release and let go of whatever is holding us back from surrendering fully to the pleasures of life.

Women-only boundary:

This temple is only for those in female bodies. While it is queer friendly, it is not queer focused. This is about your own individual journey to reclaim your sexual power and pleasure, with the tribe of other sisters. We are setting the boundary of no cocks in this space in order to create a safer space for women to dive into the deep work of reclaiming their sexual power & healing any wounds and/or shame that could be around it.

The facilitator:

Maia, whom is the creator of Goddess Activation, is a shamanic practitioner and her work is focused primarily on sexual energy, embodiment, shadow-work & tantra. She has been holding ceremonies for years & all over the world & is devoted to creating safe containers for people to express their sexuality without shame or judgement. She is both a disciple and the embodiment of the Holy Mother Earth and is here to live out the mission to restore the Goddess energy in our bodies as well as on the planet.

The Ceremony layout:


The opening:
For the introduction, we will drop deep into our bodies and enter the shamanic portal in which we will meet our authentic selves & dance with our sexual energy.

The Workshops:
2-3 hours of shamanic, tantric, & conscious sexuality practices where you will
1. learn to feel your NO and say it fiercely
2. understand energy & what makes your body contract & expand
3. learning to feel safer in the body
4. saying "fuck no" to being a people pleaser and understanding how to be comfortable in truth
5. learn the tools of sexual reclamation that you will then embody in the ritual

The sharing circle

---- dinner ----- (You will be provided dinner)


The Ritual: 2 hours
The purpose of this ritual is to take ownership of your pleasure & to reclaim your sexuality. We will not only meet the divinity that is within us, but allow it to become us and to express the totality of its being through the art of pleasure and orgasm as well as delayering shame.

The practices of the ritual will include:
1. delayering shame
2. orgasmic breath
3. Self-pleasure (touching your yoni is welcome)
4. Yoni-gazing


The open temple: 1- 1.5 hours
A free space for you to explore deeper with yourself and/or others without guidance. There will be multiple areas for different forms of expression. Do you wish to dance? Desire a massage or cuddle? Is there someone you have connected with that you would like to explore deeper? Have you always been curious to try something kinky but never felt safe to do it with a man? There are an abundance of possibilities in this space.

The closing circle


*What to bring*:
- Towel or sarong
- water Bottle
- Blindfold or something to cover your eyes (it’s important that everyone has one, so bring extras if u have)
- optional:
- play tools, like paddles, ropes
- oil

*Event’s boundaries: SAFETY IS THE MOST IMPORTNAT!*
1. No drugs or alcohol: we want to ensure everyone remains conscious and on the same “frequency” to keep the space safe
2. No judgment: we are not here to shame anyone
3. we welcome your triggers and inner processes, which is why we will have a "time-out" room for you to completely de-brief when needed, as well as a corner space for emotional release.
4. you must apply and go through a screening process before being able to purchase a ticket. If we feel your intentions are in-pure, you will not be accepted. If you are not accepted, we will refund you the ticket NOT including the service costs.


*Is this for you?*

If you are looking for a sex party and are not interested in self-development, self-awareness, and self-healing work-- this is NOT for you. If you are just wanting to fuck and "get some" this is NOT for you.

If you want to take ownership of your sexuality, to strip any harmful conditioning around sexuality, to open yourself to divine pleasure, to meet the god/goddess in one another, to use sexual energy for healing, to awaken the goddess in you, to heal shame around sexuality, to love yourself deeper.... this is for you! If you also want to meet others walking a similar path, this is for you!

We are aware that you might be nervous, that’s totally normal. Don’t worry, the facilitators are there to guide & take care of you. This will help you to be more authentic in your truth and understand your desires & boundaries on a deeper level. We will practice communication and this tool will become your new superpower! You will know how to say “NO” and our policy is that no means no.

Also, not only will you be here to play, there is also healing & so much self love that can arise in this space.

There will always be a free facilitator that you can go to at ANY time during the event in case you feel unsafe, nervous, or any emotions.


Commonly asked questions:

I have a boyfriend and we are not in an open relationship, but I feel really called to come. What discussion do I need to have with my partner before coming?
- We will be partnering up in pairs for some exercises in the workshop portion. However, none of these exercises should cross any monogamy boundaries. However, it is important that you have a full discussion with your partner on your boundaries, what is and is not okay. We also will have a self-pleasure ritual where women are welcome to masturbate in the space. We will NOT be touching eachother, as this is a very individual experience that dissolves sexual shame by practicing it in a community setting. Please mention this detail with eachother.

I'm not sexually into women, is this for me?
Yes, totally. This is a self exploration of your own sexuality. The workshop portion is to help you understand and learn how to speak your boundaries, which will be important during other parts of the evening and in your everyday life. The ritual will consist of an individual self-pleasure experience where we will NOT be touching or engaging with one another. The open temple, anything goes. Which means, if you wish to sip on tea and be in quiet corner, or to dance, or to masturbate by yourself, it is all welcome dear. You are not forced to do anything that doesn't feel aligned in you, and that is the major component of the temple practice: honoring your truth.

I'm sexually into women, is this for me?
Yes, totally. While the focus is on your individual exploration, there is plenty of opportunities to connect to other beings in the space and to explore with them during the open temple.

I have never done this before and im nervous.... is this right for me?
I get beginners all the time. They are nervous as shit in the beginning and I am totally aware of that (I have been there). We do practices that get you to calm down and get in your body. The workshops build up the energy and trust so overtime, your nerves will fade and you will feel comfortable. The feedback I receive from beginners the most is: "wow this felt so natural and normal to me to be in such a sexually free space". Also-- follow the nerves & excitement, thats a good thing! If you feel the calling, even though you feel fear, trust the calling. And, I am there to carry you the entire time.

*we cannot give you a refund up to 5 days prior to the event*

Zondag 10 december 2023 van 13:00 tot 22:00

Kea Boumanstraat 38, 1095 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Unearth your forgotten power. Unleash your wild divinity.”

Maia is a shamanic practitioner who is here to help you remember your authentic self, ground in your truth, and take ownership of your power.



Isis & Osiris Tantric Temple: Sensual Alchemy, Play, & Reclamation

I joined the workshop and ritual part of the temple (not the play temple) and I absolutely loved it. My intentions were to deeply connect to my NO and learn to honor it. Listen to my body and its cues and learn to act on it, because often when my body wasn’t happy with intimacy I’d just freeze up and dissociate. The temple that Maia held felt safe and I felt so held and honored in learning to listen to my truth and act on it with self reverence and confidence. And I came out transformed. Feeling so so so held, safe and cared for. So free to be soft and feminine KNOWING that I am absolutely safe to do so because I am honoring my boundaries. Just being in Maia’s presence is always so potent and ignites a power within me that I used to be completely cut off of, or afraid to feel and step into. But this temple supported me in feeling my power and my boundaries not only within me but also establish them in front of and towards others.

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Isis Tantric Temple: Sacred Sexuality & Energy Orgasms

What a great day/night it was! Maia and Wave were inspiring teachers, creating a pure and safe environment with clear rules around consent. By doing their exercises my (sexual) energy got activated to such an extent that even the next day, the slightest touch or look of my girl had me experience full-body orgams throughout the whole day. Recommended!

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Natascha Frid

Isis Tantric Temple: Sacred Sexuality & Energy Orgasms

So superwell safe, structured, clear! Loved your humble attitude and openness. As well as really wanting to bring this into the world- giving the good example by sharing your beautiful house and affordable price. I still process my experiences. As said by you: a little less doing/ hearing could give an even more integrative proces. And a few persons less ( which would give enough food/ tea as well ;-)) A very big thank U Maia and Wave

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Mary Magdalene Temple: self pleasure & sexual reclamation (Women only)

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