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Maya Heart Consciousness Retreat - Coming home

Zaterdag 14 mei 2022 om 9:30 tot zondag 15 mei 2022 om 21:30

Amsterdam, Nederland

Over dit evenement

Maya Heart Consciousness Retreat is an exeptional and very inspiring retreat, about healing, transformation and awakening. Our mission and goal for this retreat is to serve you and be part of global awakening and strive towards unity-consciousness. We will help you remember who you are in essence, your true Nature and why you are here now. Coming home will be the main theme of all our experiences.

The Conscious team are Yolentha Ram (Plant medicine Ceremonies, Ecstatic dance & Yoga), Leonie Bos (Mantra Singing Circle), Michelle Coops (Tantra Experience), Aileen Kennedy (Psychedelic Breath), Claudia - Soulrecipe (Soul Food Journey) and Mauricio Labao (Psychedelic Sound Journey & Ecstatic Dance) plus more team of love members. We will be offering you a safe space, a retreat for transformation, space for all emotions, lots of hugs and love, fun and laughter. In between the ceremonies and experiences there will be space for you to relax, read a book, write or have a nice walk in nature.

On day one we will welcome you around 09:30pm on an old farm near Amsterdam. You will have time to settle and we will meet each other and explain the program during our openingsceremony. We will start our day/weekend together with a beautiful heart opening sacred cacao ceremony. After this we will enjoy a nice plant based lunch together in which after we will flow and dance during the Ecstatic Dance experience and connect body with energy and spirit. After diner we will vibrate our souls and lifeforce energy during a mesmerizing mantra singing circle with Leonie Bos. If you book a one day ticket your feel leave after the singing circle, if you stay also the second day this is the time you will enjoy your farm sleep over.

On day two we will wake up with a yoga practice & drum meditation to start our day with open hearts. After a light plant based breakfast we will come home in our body during the beautiful tantra experience with Michelle Coops who will help you connect with your energetical, physical and spiritual body. Claudia from Soulrecipe will gift and nourish your soul with her amazing Food for the Soul lunch. Now you will have some me time, enjoy a walk in nature, enjoy a swim in the lake or read a book. At 17pm we will open up the main ceremony 'Maya Heart Consciousness Ceremony with a transformational psychedelic breath experience with Aileen Kennedy and the beautiful plan medicine Kakau Bliss, which will help you to heal and let energy flow into all directions. During this ceremony there will be a sound journey which will take you on a deeper journey within, you will be travelling with your Higher Consciousness into dimensions your human mind probably hasn't been for a while. You will receive source activations, energy & light healing. Your heart, the gateway to your Soul will open up and you will receive insights that will bring you further of your path in coming home. After the ceremony we will enjoy a nice Pachamama inspired diner and to end this amazing retreat we will close with a Fire ceremony to let go of the old and dive into the new.

We are here to serve you, to guide you, to love you. Please check out our website to gain more information about this retreat (in Dutch), you can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook: Maya Heart Consciousness

Sleep over options, upon booking you can choose to book a camper spot, nature sleep with tent spot or a bed in one of the dorms.

Abundance ticket SA & SU € 444,-
Regular Sponsor-us ticket SA & SU € 488,-
One day Saturday OR Sunday € 280,-

Tribe of Love present: book two tickets or more and receive an invitation for a free online sacred cacao ceremony with healing meditation from Yolentha.

If you feel you want to be part of the whole retreat but you're not able to pay in one time, please feel free to contact us to talk about further options.

With much love and looking very much forward in serving you,
Yolentha Ram & the Conscious team
Leonie Bos,
Aileen Kennedy,
Michelle Coops,
Mauricio Labao,
Claudia Soulrecipe.


Zaterdag 14 mei 2022 om 9:30 tot zondag 15 mei 2022 om 21:30

Amsterdam, Nederland

Over de organisatie

“When we heal, we heal the Earth.”

Ontdek unieke en inspirerende Sacred Earth Healing Ceremonies & Retreats, vrouwencirkels en hartbewustzijnsprogramma's.



De Helende Kracht van Cacao, Adem en Sound

Het was (weer) een helende, louterende reis! 💛 Op een locatie waar alles klopte, met twee fantastische vrouwen die liefdevol richting gaven aan wat er nodig was, als groep maar ook individueel. Tot de volgende X

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Sacred Woman Cacao & Rose Ceremony

Ik heb een prachtige ervaring gehad. Diep en onverwacht werd ik geraakt door de intieme zang en drum. De meditatie en het ademwerk gaven me een prachtige reis waar ik volledige ontspanning vond. De gekozen ruimte in Haarlem, de begeleiding van de 2 vrouwen voor, tijdens en na het event waren warm, liefdevol en open.

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Santa Simule

Sacred Woman Cacao & Rose Ceremony

Magical! It was a very deep and beautiful journey. Guided and supported by wonderful sisters. I felt so safe and nurtured, that allowed me to let go and go into the darkness. Yolentha's cacao is one of the kind. It tastes good and it feels good. Like an elixir of love and pure magic!

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Maya Heart Consciousness Retreat - Coming home

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