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Transformative Art Experience | Quantum Meditation

Zondag 03 september 2023 van 14:00 tot 16:00

Theaterplatform PickUp, NDSM-Plein 79, 1033 WC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

An immersive art happening of radical self-care and joyful healing.
A multi-sensorial experience of self-discovery that rejuvenates your body & expands your mind & boosts wellbeing.

Let us transport you into a euphoric state achieving a natural high through the power of regenerative, feel-good, video-, & sound-art, quantum meditation and ultra deep relaxation.

Artist and practitioner Viktoria Kova creates a highly immersive, multi-sensory Art installation (video, sound, vibrations) that allows to reach a deep quantum meditation without years of exercising.
Viktoria’s hypnotic art helps to disengage the monkey-mind and experience different depths of meditation.
Including some various techniques and practices.

- Improving Age biomarkers
- Introducing Self-Healing
- Improving sleep quality
- Increasing patience, tolerance, creativity.
- Boosts Positivity (thoughts & emotions),
- Intuition (the 6th sense)
- Emotional EQ.
- Opens up Yin energy.
- Recharging feel-good “battery”
- Meeting cool, progressive, like-minded people.

PROGRAM (English-spoken):
14.00 - 14.15 – gathering at the big blue door at NDSM-werf entrance.
14.15 - start of the program (there is no possibility to enter the room late)
16.00 - end of the program.
16.30 - doors closed.

Recommended: comfortable, stretchy clothes, bring some layers/blanket (if cold weather).
You will be sited on a comfortable “air chair”.

ABOUT Viktoria Kova:
Viktoria Kova has her professional background in music & cultures study, pedagogy and psychology. She is researching how art can heal, improve quality of life, rejuvenate and expand consciousness.
Kova’s method for (self)healing and improving age markers is inspired by her own experience of self-healing from autoimmune disease (MS) and (logo)neurotic condition.
Kova holistically creates her hypnotic videos, sound, installations and performances to offer the experience of a quantum leap to the expanded meditative state of consciousness through the immediate activation of feel-good energy in alignment with the intuitive feminine principle.

Every session we offer 2 seats for free - send us your motivation note:
Waiting list:
Instagram: Viktoria_Kova_LANDofGOOD

Zondag 03 september 2023 van 14:00 tot 16:00

Theaterplatform PickUp, NDSM-Plein 79, 1033 WC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“You are a massive creative force of the universe. We invite u to experience it.”

Unique VIDEO & Sound ART Experiences, Healing Programs, Quantum Meditations, and Video Baths to deepen self-knowledge & improve quality of life.


Aleks Smeth

Video-Sound ART BATH / Quantum Meditation + CACAO Ceremony

Everyone should experience this! Having a busy, stressful work and life, I always wanted to learn how to meditate, but never could reach that state by myself. Actually, Im not able to relax at all, lately. For the 1st time in years I felt calm and relax at Viktoria's Video Bath! Looks like she found the secret of quantum meditation - an immediate effect - the shortcut to the "higher-self" experience! Thank you! I will be back!

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Nissim Men


Very rejuvenating. The integration between the theoretical review the 'on screen' visuals and the surrounding sounds. brings the body perfect balanced ground to go deeper, calm down and purify.

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The video and sound bath made me fall into a deep meditation which gave me full relaxation and a lot of inspiration 🫶

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Transformative Art Experience | Quantum Meditation

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