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Oase Doula

Birth Doula | BRM®️ Pro | WATSU | Singing bowls sound sessions. I’m your evidence & intuition driven partner helping to create your EVEN BETTER birth



Maastricht, Netherlands

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“I'm here to create your even safer birth Oase”

Over de organisatie


My name is Kristina and I’m a Doula but firstly I’m a wife to a special man & mother of 2 girls (born 2017 & 2019). My own births and motherhood journey has brought me to where I’m now: and I’m there for you. As a birth doula, childbirth preparation helper, WATSU (water therapy) & sound therapy practitioner.

I offer extensive pregnancy and birth preparation consultations, full length birth support and postpartum care. This includes prenatal visits (online or in person), emotional and informational support, BRM (Body ready method) PRO assessment and workouts (if desired; read more here), in-person presence during birth (no matter which road you choose and where it takes you) and later the postnatal visits.

I also offer WATSU sessions: a way of water therapy which promotes deep relaxation & enhances the parasympathetic nervous systems. One of the unique things is that WATSU gives an opportunity to feel like a baby in a womb yourself while you are actually also carrying a tiny little baby in your belly! What a special dance of holding and being held it is…
People who try it for the 1st time usually share that “it’s an incomparable experience, neither heavenly nor earthy, very special”. Read more about WATSU here.

Another deeply relaxing and harmonizing sessions that I invite you to try are individual singing bowls sound sessions (suitable for everyone!). This is time for yourself, to explore, to connect & dive to your inner depths: to those that you are ready for today. During the singing bowls massage, therapeutic bowls are placed on your body and you are gently surrounded in a delicate cocoon of sound. Research has shown that sound can have a profound effect on the body and mind. When we listen to music or other sounds, our brainwaves can synchronize with the rhythm of the sound. When a singing bowl is struck, it produces a deep, resonant sound that can be felt throughout the body & help promote relaxation & reduce stress.

If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be more than happy to talk to you!

From the mother who cares about your parenthood journey,


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Oase Doula

  • Cindy Esselstyn
    Group Sound Bath Session

    Thank you for this wonderful offering. I really enjoyed the deep restful feeling. See you again soon!

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    25 January 2024 om 11:23
    Reactie van organisatie

    Thank you dear Cindy! It will be my absolute joy to connect again!

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