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Seasonal Embodiment - The wonder & wisdom of winter

Zondag 18 december 2022 van 14:00 tot 18:00

Vliegenbos, W.H. Vliegenbos, 1022 AM Amsterdam, Nederland

Over dit evenement

‘If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.’~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Join us for an afternoon to honour the arrival of Winter, around the days preceding the Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day.
There is magic and mystery in the darkness, the stillness and silence of Winter. This is a time for radical rest and reflection. For just BEING, returning to our essence, stripped away of all that isn’t necessary for embodying our truth. An invitation to dive deep under the surface, into ourselves whilst honouring the lessons of the ground we stand on, our past experiences, our ancestral lineage. Floating into the vulnerability of not knowing what will come next, whilst feeling into what is present and what wants to be born through us. Knowing and trusting that new light, life and growth will emerge from the depth of Winter.

• What can you expect ? •
We will guide you through practices to honour the wisdom of Winter, to go deeply within, through meditation, visualisation, and there will be a lot of space to share together in intimacy and in community.

We will engage in practices inside and outside, and offer moments of group sharing and explorations in pairs, circle sharing, ritual and ceremony:
- Guided Drum Meditation and deep listening practices to invite you into a state of being and receptivity
- Releasing ritual to let go of what is no longer serving our growth and the world around us for this next cycle
- Nature connection practice outdoors to gather wisdom from nature around us
- Journeying to your roots through guided movement practice
- Dreaming Ourselves into Being Visualisation
- Closing Circle & Ceremony

• Practicalities •
Date: 18 December '22
Time: 14:00 – 18:00
Location: Beautiful place in Amsterdam Noord at the edge of the Vliegenbos (very close to Tennis club Elzenhagen). Address details will be confirmed upon registration.

• Fee •
Early bird: € 40,- (available till Nov, 30th)
Standard : € 50,-
*Fees include tea, cookies and fruits.

In the spirit of conscious contribution, as well as openness through hopefully accommodating diverse social groups, we accept student/low income fee /exchange of services so please do get in touch if you are interested but cannot pay the total amount.

•Why? •
Nature’s cycles are a mirror into our own cycles and rhythms.
We can sometimes forget we are part of this natural world unfolding, but deep inside we know how intrinsically interconnected we are to it and how wise it is to follow its rhythms that support our own existence in every way. Becoming totally out of sync with these rhythms (as modern, fast-paced life often is) harms our environment and threatens our own health and wellbeing.
Let’s gather and remember this wisdom that we once lived by, that we still hold deep within for our own well-being and the vitality of our community and natural surroundings.

• About the teachers •
Lara Egbring (The Root of Life) is a certified Mindfulness trainer, Ecopsychologist practitioner and a guide for cyclical living.
Marjorie Lumet (Experience Mindfulness) is a certified Mindfulness trainer and facilitator of Deep Ecology practices including the Work that Reconnects & Active Hope Circles.
Alejandra Alarcón will be our host and fire keeper.

We are honoured to share the wisdom of Winter with you!

Zondag 18 december 2022 van 14:00 tot 18:00

Vliegenbos, W.H. Vliegenbos, 1022 AM Amsterdam, Nederland

Over de organisatie

“It starts here, in this moment. Breathe, witness, trust. ”

Through integrating body, mind, and spirit focused practises, I am holding space for people to uplift their authentic, wild and radiant selves.


Marin Van gelderen

UNFOLDING - 6 week Spring Initiation

Lara holds a fruly transformative and tender space. Nature is represented in the most simple and raw way. And she writes beautiful poems and visualistions to accompany her work!

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Seasonal Embodiment - The wonder & wisdom of winter

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