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The Kundalini Experience, movement to empower

Zaterdag 14 september 2024 van 13:00 tot 18:00

Putstraat 11, 6822 BE Arnhem, Nederland

Over dit evenement

Are you ready for the first or next step in deepening your journey of self awareness? Come and spend a afternoon with us doing Kundalini Yoga and experience a Kundalini NRGY session. Combining those two will give you a chance to experience Kundalini energy in different ways while deepening your self awareness.

The combination of Kundalini yoga and the Kundalini NRGY awakening process is the liftoff to higher consciousness. Let yourself be empowered by your own life force in a new way.
This Life force Journey is the perfect way to discover and experience the power of Kundalini
From beginners to long time practitioners - everyone is most welcome

The Kundalini experience is a fascinating journey and an invitation to awaken deeply from within and ignite your inner life force. It’s a transformative process of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the dance with your vital energy!

The Kundalini Experience is just something that has to be experienced. It's more of a journey than a workshop.

Are you ready to lift off?

Zaterdag 14 september 2024 van 13:00 tot 18:00

Putstraat 11, 6822 BE Arnhem, Nederland

Reserveer je spots!

Koop je tickets direct via Hipsy. Na betaling is je deelname definitief en ontvang je je tickets per e-mail.

Over de organisatie

“Move l Meditate l Flow l Connect l Feel l Relax”

Kundalini Yoga, Yogapeppersdance en nog meer evenementen én activiteiten met als doel je bewustzijn te vergroten om je happy, healthy & holy te voelen

In samenwerking met

Studio NRGY Arnhem

1. Kies je tickets
The Kundalini Experience

Movement to Empower

€ 75,80
Inclusief € 0,80 servicekosten
Transactiekosten :
€ 0,00
€ 0,00
The Kundalini Experience, movement to empower

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