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Sacred Circle of Sisterhood

Woensdag 06 maart 2024 van 18:30 tot 22:00

De Upstarter, Nieuwendammerkade 22D1, 1022 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement


For far too long women refrained from gathering in circles and holding ceremonies together in sisterhood: it’s time to come back to these circles.

Because when women come together…

Magic happens

In the simple act of sitting in circle together, feeling, hearing and allowing:

We see ourselves reflected in she who sits next to us
We feel understood and seen by what she shares - we have been there too
We re-member, re-discover and re-integrate our lost parts in connection with her

We sing, we dance, we laugh our asses off, we roar and we cry

We return to ourselves

Carried by the power of the breath, supported by the medicines of the earth with mama cacao and a microdose of magic truffles- we journey

And from a place of openness and vulnerability- we allow the experience to arise.

We meet ourselves.
We meet each other.

We welcome all that is,

Exactly as it is.

Join us.

Creating magic together.


Aileen Kennedy
Supporting people in bringing more joy & happiness into their lives is what makes me happy. Finding your way into more self-love and compassion are expressions of the Divine Feminine. The driving force behind everything that I do.
The tools I use for this are Breathwork, EMDR and therapy. I’m a certified GZ-Psychologist, PSYCHEDELIC BREATH facilitator, Mindfulness teacher and Doula. I work with women 1:1 in supporting their Journey into remembering who they are and living the life that they desire.
Finding your way back to your body & breath and finally allowing yourself to feel & heal is so important, and worth it!
I live in Amsterdam with my two daughters.

Kim Lotte Helmus
As a guide and therapist, Kim loves to create space for people to connect with themselves, to feel and to remember their own truth. She supports transformation using science-based techniques and her own creativity and intuition. After 15 years of academic therapeutic service in mental healthcare and hospitals, and over a decade of meditative practices, she’s come to realize all of us experience struggle and difficulties in life: it is part of our human experience. There lies freedom in accepting this, and from this place, moving in the direction of our dreams. Kim meets herself and the people around her from a place of understanding, presence and love. She sees benefits in a broad variety of modalities, from psychotherapy to plant medicine, from tantra to storytelling and from meditation to breathwork. Kim teaches and lectures for university programs and builds much- needed bridges between the seemingly different worlds of science and spirituality. She lives in Amsterdam with her partner Nils and daughter Djuna, and is passionate about going on adventures.


With the power of your Breath we will focus on what is no longer serving you, letting go and releasing whatever is holding you back, that which feels old, stagnant or just ready to release. Every Circle will end up focusing on different themes, depending on what is alive in the group.

With a clear intention - you can sharpen your vision and create the life you want.

We will offer various forms of Breathwork including PSYCHEDELIC BREATH and Transformational Breath which can have an impact on allowing a flow on many levels.
This can be physically, emotionally, in beliefs, or in energy.

This evening we gather together with nourishing & heart opening Ceremonial grade Cacao which has many physical and mental benefits.

For those who feel it's right for them: there is an option to microdose with the Magic Truffle. This very gentle dose (1,5 gram, or less) without any hallucinogenic effect is offered and can support your journey. It can open you up even more, to access your inner wisdom, to be more receptive and able to feel.


We create an open and safe space to come as you are. To listen to each other without judgment, when suited to support and cheer each other on, in being women, in being human. We ask each other questions to deepen our understanding. What is shared in the Circle - stays in the Circle.


18:15 - Arrival
18:30- 22:00 Cacao, Breathwork & Sister Circle

This event is organized for women.

We offer organic tea and a small snack at the end of the evening.

Location: The Upstarter Amsterdam
Parking: €1,40 till 19:00

For any questions please email me:

With Love,

Aileen Kennedy & Kim Lotte Helmus

Exclusion criteria are: pregnancy; high blood pressure; epilepsy; currently taking an RRSI or antipsychotics. You can join this event when you're in a state of good physical and mental health and not pregnant. Mental health problems (medication use) and cardiovascular disease are exclusion criteria because of strong emotional processes that can arise. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about this.

What others have to say about working with Aileen:

‘Thank you Aileen!
Your guidance was so feminine, coming from a place of gentleness & power.
The instructions were very clear.
To me, breathwork is allowing yourself to be in a space where you can see your Self clearly- without judgment
As if you can connect to this All-knowing part within yourself - quite instantly.
I arrive in a loving space where every aspect of myself is welcome- with clarity. This clarity shows me where I can grow.

Woensdag 06 maart 2024 van 18:30 tot 22:00

De Upstarter, Nieuwendammerkade 22D1, 1022 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Breathe, relax. You are not finished, you are becoming. ”

Breathwork workshops & events, Cacao Ceremonies. The breath is such a powerful tool in coming home to your Self. Also: Wild Woman Untamed program.


Suzanne Van Embricqs


I am a very frequent flyer in Aileen’s breatsessions. I always feel very safe and peacefull in her class. When I go home I am happy that I really had some time for myself and I feel more relaxed grounded and in my Flow again💗💗thank you lovely Aileen💗💗

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Sacred Circle of Sisterhood

Fijne warme en sfeervolle locatie, mooie groep like-minded vrouwen en veilige setting met persoonlijke begeleiding en ruimte voor elk individu. Echt even een avond (met) jezelf in een cirkel van vrouwenenergie kunnen zijn en ademen is een groot geschenk. Aileen en Kim maken er met recht een sacred circle van samen.

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Kees Boekel


Mijn eerste adem ervaring 🙃 en er zullen er nog velen volgen 🥳 Aileen begeleidt de sessie heel kalmerend, rustig en inclusief. De ruimte is ook fijn qua energie.

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Sacred Circle of Sisterhood

Meer evenementen van Aileen Kennedy Inner Source

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