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End of the Year Sensual Play Party

Zaterdag 30 december 2023 van 14:30 tot 23:00

Timelab, Kogelstraat 34, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Over dit evenement

We're sold out, with a beautiful group coming!
Please message Minne or Lore if you still want to join on our waitinglist. We will contact you if someone has to cancel last minute and a spot opens up.

Are you looking for a closing of the year full of connection? A sanctuary of warmth inclusivity and the opportunity to play into the new year at your own pace?
Search no further! The Sensual Play Party from Intimate Breath & Compass to Connection offers you a space to dive into sensual fantasies tantalizing tantric meditations or simply unwind with a cup of tea and some delightful chocolate—whichever you desire as the year transitions.
Lots can happen nothing needs to happen.
During this gathering we invite sensual and erotic connection within the comforting boundary of keeping underpants on so get creative.

Here’s what you can look forward to:
- Wake up your senses.
- Develop even better skills for consent and communication paving the path for safer intimacy.
- Connect with your Inner Navigation System your guide towards what truly feels good to you.
- Immerse yourself in a day filled with opportunities to dress up dance cuddle flirt or simply be - catering to both the shy and the extroverted the kinky and the vanilla-minded.
- Meet incredible individuals who share your zest for sensual explorations and special NY's Eve longings.

The Agenda:
We have a beautiful afternoon and evening planned for you!
Arrive from 14:15 we start our 'Consent & Polarity Play' at 15:00 sharp. The door will be closed once started due to the nature of this workshop.
This afternoon session is designed to elevate your communication and touch skills to an even greater level and to sync up as a group. Do you know exactly what you want when it comes to touch? (The more you do those practices the better you get at them!)
Beyond the fundamentals of consent we'll add a dash of spice to our interactions with polarity play or power dynamics. Whether you're in a reflective mood or bubbling with excitement you'll find the freedom to engage in ways that resonate with your current emotional landscape and desires.
After will be a break with potluck dining—bring a dish to share or your own meal if you have special dietary needs.
This is also the time to prepare and 'pimp' yourself for the play party— if you wish to do so.
The Sensual Play Party will start after. With some dance and some fun exercises we smoothly transition into the free-flowing evening and open play space.
Half an hour before the end we gather for a closing circle, we end at 23:00.
This is a collaboration of Minne from Compass to Connection and Lore from Intimate Breath.
Note: This event embraces partial nudity with undies on. In no way do you have to undress to participate you can keep all your clothes on.

Join Us If:
- You are both a beginner or adept in the realms of conscious intimate explorations.
- You are open to an experiences that highlights both your comfort as well as your challenges within intimacy and se#uality.

Please Reconsider If:
- You find it difficult to respect others' boundaries.
- You have hard time sticking with respectful and inclusive group agreements.
- You are looking for 'easy touch'; neediness or greediness often doesn't get received well.

Additional Details:
- Arrival time is from 14:15 with a hard closing of doors at 15:00.
- The play party closes together, the event ends at 23:00.
- The event is drug and alcohol-free.
- Sleeping over possibilities are being explored and will be communicated in due course.
- You will receive an email with more practical information and updates. Sign up properly with your best email to stay informed.
- Our event celebrates all gender identities maintaining a balanced representation through our ticketing system.
- Bring along toys or ropes if they amplify your pleasure during the evening play party.
- Tickets:
We are LGBTQIIA+ informed $lut-friendly trauma-informed and (non-)monogamy informed.

✦ About your hosts ✦
Minne is a therapist specialized in trauma, relationships and sexuality. She set up 'Compass to Connection' in 2016 as a research platform. She was trained and gave group workshops throughout Europe, and has had her own practice with body work focused therapy since 2019 for individuals and couples. She breaks taboos through her very intimate personal and vulnerable approach. She prefers to work from a holistic framework with creative and active working methods based on the philosophy that creativity and sexuality are inextricably linked.

Lore Blancke is your dedicated guide to holistic intimacy and conscious sexuality. Blending expertise in breathwork embodied intimacy and her study in osteopathy she creates transformative spaces for individuals and groups to explore heal and celebrate their authentic selves.
To stay updated about Lore's events blogs and podcast: subscribe to our newsletter at

For those who can't have too much information:
Bring your favorite dish to share in our potluck or your own meal if you have special dietary preferences—we'll provide tea water and snacks!
You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable during the afternoon session. That counts for the play party as well however here comfort might be less priority for you. What clothes support you in celebrating yourself that day? Whether you go for cozy pyjamas a latex kinky dress or anything in between you can express yourself however you want.
Or bring different options so you can choose at the moment!
You find that info in the ticket shop. There is a limited amount of budget tickets, meant for people with limited financial resources. We trust you to choose the ticket that fits your situation.
We want to include everyone whatever your gender or identification is. That means there’s space for everyone without one group getting overrepresented. Therefore there are tickets for people who identify themselves as male female and other. (We realize that there are many gender identities outside the binary norms. For practical reasons we have summarized them as a category ‘other’ on the ticket sales pages.)
It means that for this day anyone who is joining is choosing for a shared space where explorations and interactions happen without intercourse - so with underpants on / genitals covered. Within that set-up anything can happen within consent!
Yes you can bring anything that increases your experience or your curiosity! If you bring massage oil make sure to also bring additional towels.
Tickets for workshops and events consisting of an evening or full day can be cancelled until 7 days before the event. The ticket price will be refunded minus €6 admin fee. Requests for cancellation within 7 days before the event will not be accredited and tickets will not be refunded. Tickets may be sold to another person for the same price as the ticket was originally acquired respecting the gender of the ticket.
Then you don’t. We will never push you to do anything nor to do anything with anyone. You can come decide to keep all your clothes on and not touch anyone – and that’s perfect. You can also always sit out an exercise.

Zaterdag 30 december 2023 van 14:30 tot 23:00

Timelab, Kogelstraat 34, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Over de organisatie

Compass to Connection organiseert naast individuele lichaamsgerichte therapie ook workshops en retraites met een focus op intimiteit en verbinding.

In samenwerking met

Intimate Breath




Workshop: Erotic Experiencing

De erotic experiencing workshop was heerlijk! Ik vond het heel leerzaam en een goede start voor iemand die nog beginner is met dit soort workshops. Het komt doordat het een hele dag workshop, wat ruimte geeft voor onderzoeken en experimenteren en het geleidelijk landen, maar ook door de focus op begeleid oefeningen in plaats van vrije tempels, wat het een lage drempel maakt voor groentjes! De sfeer was heel veilig. Echt een aanrader! Bedankt Minne, Carl en Ruth!

Lees meer


BE-Sense: Verbindende Dans

Heerlijk verbindend! Veilige context, fijne mensen, mooie ontmoetingen, deskundig en zorgzaam begeleid.

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BE-Sense: Verbindende Dans

Heerlijk! Dansen en spelen. Vrijheid voelen. Liefde. Sterk gefaciliteerd event van Minne en Carl. Goeie opbouw, leuke flow en een heel fijne groep. Meer van dat!

Lees meer

End of the Year Sensual Play Party

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