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Sacred Rapé Ceremony

Zondag 18 juni 2023 van 15:00 tot 17:30

Het BinnensteBuiten, Voordorpsedijk 43a, 3737 BM Groenekan, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Hapé (or rapé) is a plant medicine from the Amazon forest of Peru and Brazil. For indigenous peoples such as the Yawanawa and the Huni Kuin, mapacho tobacco (mostly in the form of hapé) is the most important medicine next to Ayahuasca. According to the ‘pajés’ of these traditions, it can bring healing to the deepest level of our cells - recalibrating them, clearing our mind and energy system, and grounding us in our physical body. The medicine of hapé has a strong cleansing effect and can contribute to releasing stress, pain, sadness and worries from our system.

Through being initiated with this medicine during my own studies with the Yawanawa tribe in the Brazilian rainforest, I have received permission to serve and pass on this medicine to other people.

Just like with other plant medicine work, every single hapé session will be different. One time you might see visions and feel blissfully euphoric, other times you might vomit to cleanse your physical body. Hapé is a medicine that always wants to bring us to the light - yet sometimes it has us pass through some darkness to get there. Your individual experience is strongly linked to your intention, the moment in time at which you receive the medicine, your emotional state, the blend of hapé used, and the person administering it.

During our circle, two rounds of (different) hapés from the forest will be served, and the session will be guided with traditional chants and music from the Yawanawa tribe. Afterwards we will round off with a sharing circle.

We work with a maximum of 10 people (and 3 spaceholders).

Zondag 18 juni 2023 van 15:00 tot 17:30

Het BinnensteBuiten, Voordorpsedijk 43a, 3737 BM Groenekan, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Life is a ceremony”

🍄 Truffle Ceremonies & Retreats ❤️ Women's Work 🍫 Cacao Ceremonies 🐍 Hapé Circles 🫁 Breath- & Bodywork 🎶 Music


Luana Muijsers

Chocolate Sundays - Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Super fijne zondag gehad. Echt boven mijn verwachtingen mooie ervaring gehad met prachtige muziek, zang en mooie mensen. Niet anders mijn zondag willen spenderen! Zeker voor herhaling vatbaar.

Lees meer

Sacred Rapé Ceremony

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