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Chocolate Sundays - Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Zondag 28 mei 2023 van 15:00 tot 17:30

Het BinnensteBuiten, Voordorpsedijk 43a, 3737 BM Groenekan, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Hey beautiful cacao lover,

Welcome to Chocolate Sundays - Anna's Sacred Cacao Ceremony Series to connect, sing, dance, make music and celebrate life together with likeminded souls - all guided by the gentle and loving presence of Mama Cacao. 🍫

The space will be open for guided meditation, breathwork, live music, sharing, singing, dancing, drumming and whatever magic wants to unfold as the ceremonial cacao starts opening our hearts and lifting our spirits! ❤️

Join the cacao tribe and let's come together in making our Sunday afternoon even sweeter than it already is! 💫

Cacaon't wait to see you there!
Anna x

Zondag 28 mei 2023 van 15:00 tot 17:30

Het BinnensteBuiten, Voordorpsedijk 43a, 3737 BM Groenekan, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“Life is a ceremony”

🍄 Truffle Ceremonies & Retreats ❤️ Women's Work 🍫 Cacao Ceremonies 🐍 Hapé Circles 🫁 Breath- & Bodywork 🎶 Music


Luana Muijsers

Chocolate Sundays - Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Super fijne zondag gehad. Echt boven mijn verwachtingen mooie ervaring gehad met prachtige muziek, zang en mooie mensen. Niet anders mijn zondag willen spenderen! Zeker voor herhaling vatbaar.

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Chocolate Sundays - Sacred Cacao Ceremony

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