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Wild Roots Herbal Gathering | Ottermeer 2023

Vrijdag 09 juni 2023 om 12:00 tot zondag 11 juni 2023 om 15:00

Landgoed Ottermeer, Ottermeerweg 2, 4725 PZ Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

🌾 Overview & Purpose 🌾

In celebration of the power of plants, homemade medicines, the rising UP of the Feminine, the reclaiming of the Witch, and living sustainable lives ~ the Wild Roots Herbal Gathering offers:

✨ inspiring Herbalism & Plant Medicine classes so you can learn about local plants from renowned experts in the field on how to make your own medicines at home to heal yourself and your family/community.

✨ workshops for Women's Health & Empowerment so you can tap into your unique power as a woman and learn to share your gifts with the world. AND so you can learn to heal, feel and listen to what wisdom your Womb wishes to share with you.

✨ Roots Natural (Ecstatic) Dance with dj set by Caroline S'Jegers so you can connect to your body, root deeply into the earth, and share gratitude through movement, music and poetry.

✨ MAHARA Cacao Lounge & Bar will provide the 'living room' space to rest between classes on plush pillows and sip a steaming cup of cacao or another delicious herbal elixir.

✨ A handmade Artisan Market to buy/trade/sell any handmade goods you create. This can be medicines, art, food, clothing, jewellery, etc. A lot of us are creating beautiful things at home and here you have a chance to bring them out for sale or simply enjoy cruising around the market and seeing what others have made.

✨ sauna self-care area so you can sweat it out!! The healing benefits of sweating in the sauna are detoxification, mental and body relaxation, increased circulation, pain reduction, improved immune function, improved mood, and having a healthy glow to your skin!

✨ private lake on site so you can have a nice cool dip any time you like - for a morning wake up, after the sauna, during the peak heat of the day, after an invigorating class... you name it! All you need to do is jump in.

AND not to mention create divine connections with remarkable women from the Netherlands and Northern Europe!

🌿 🌿 🌿 PROGRAM 🌿 🌿 🌿

🔥Roots Natural (ecstatic) Dance with dj set - Caroline S'Jegers
🔥Ceremony for Making Your Own Agua de Florida - Joy Moon
🔥First Aid with Herbs & A Plant Identification Walk - Saskia De Groene Zon
🔥The Work that Reconnects (a Deep Ecology Taster) - Marjorie Lumet
🔥Moon Cycle Health with Herbs & Nutrition - Dina of TERRA Nutrition & Wellness
🔥Happy Healthy Breasts & Lymph Massage - Nutmeg of Wild Roots
🔥Despacho Ceremony, A Prayer for Pachamama - Dieke of Women's Alchemy
🔥Holistic Birth - Kristal Termorshuizen
🔥Filipino Indigenous Ginger Ritual - Sophie of the Messy Garden Club
🔥The Inner Seasons - Sanne of BElief
🔥Liquid Breathwork & Yin Yoga - Rachana Termorshuizen
🔥Silent Disco Ecstatic Nature Dance w dj Pachamama

*scroll further for class descriptions
*classes offered in English and Dutch

Registration opens - 12:00
Opening Circle - 14:00
CLASS 1 - 15:00 - 16:30
Dinner - 17:00
Lighting the Sacred Fire | Healing Prayer & Orientation Circle - 18:30
Roots (ecstatic) dance lead by dj Caroline S'Jegers 20:00 - 22:00

Yoga - 7:15 - 8:00
Breakfast - 8:00 - 9:00
CLASS 2 - 9:30 - 11:00
CLASS 3 - 11:15 - 12:45
Lunch 13:00 - 14:00
CLASS 4 - 15:00 - 16:30
Dinner - 18:00
Singing Circle w Kristal Temorshuizen - 19:00
Talent show & Drum Circle around the fire - 19:30

Yoga - 7:15 - 8:00
Breakfast - 8:00 - 9:00
CLASS 5 - 9:30 - 11:00
Handmade Artisan Marketplace - 11:30 - 13:00
Lunch 13:00 - 14:00
Closing Circle - 14:30
Festivals End - 15:00

✨ Class Descriptions ✨

ROOTS Organic Dance | Poetry in Motion
A gentle dance to connect to our bodies. To root ourselves deeply into the earth. To share with others in sheer presence. And to share gratitude through movement, music and poetry. During ROOTS, we connect with what moves us from within. We create a brave space for everyone through music, movement and rituals.

Ceremony for making your own Aqua de Florida
In this Ceremony/workshop we will brew our own Aqua the Florida (Flower water), according to a traditional recipe passed from woman to woman, we will use herbs from our surroundings with special sacred ingredients. Together with our prayers and intentions this will be a strong healing potion for protection, cleaning, or a loving moment with yourself.

First Aid with Herbs
Discover all the herbal helpers around you in case of injuries or other 'problems'.

Plant Identification Walk
Learn how to recognise and appreciate the local herbs with their special powers. They are all around us waiting for our attention and love.

The Work that Reconnects - A Deep Ecology Taster Workshop
In this workshop, you will learn practices of the Work that Reconnects (also known as Active Hope), created by Joanna Macy. This work supports our well-being, vitality, our inner resources and community in the face of uncertainty around social and ecological transition. During this journey, we will move briefly through the 4 stages of the spiral of the Work that Reconnects : Coming from Gratitude, Honouring our Pain, Seeing with New Eyes, Going Fourth.

Menstrual Cycle Health with Herbs & Nutrition
During this interactive workshop you will learn the different phases of the menstrual cycle, from both a Western and Eastern perspective, and the hormonal changes involved with each phase.

Happy Healthy Breasts & Lymphatic Massage
Let's connect with our breasts and our heart medicine, the incredible life givers that they are. With oils, we will massage and get to know any lumps or sensitive areas in our breast tissue. We will incorporate a Chinese Medicine massage technique, Guasha, that drains the lymphatic system of excess fluid and rids the tissues of hot/cold stagnant energy. With these techniques we can dissolve cysts, clear clogged milk ducts, and help prevent breast cancer.

Despacho Ceremony ~A Prayer for Pacha Mama
In this ceremony we collect our intentions and prayers for personal and collective healing and recovery of our planet, Mother Earth. During this journey you will be invited and guided to step more deeply into your earth energy, celebrating life, and intentionally finding your YES in connection to your body - to your nature and through that all aspects of our earthly existence.

A Filipino Indigenous Ginger Ritual
This Indigenous Filipino ritual works with the spirit of the Ginger plant. This cleansing ritual is effectively used to cut unpleasant energetic cords, banish curses and assist in letting go of behaviour and thought patterns that have served their purpose. The integration of this ritual takes 3 days and the ginger will be buried one day after the ceremony. Let’s gather in circle with the ginger spirit and make room for a fresh, lighter and more loving life!

Holistische Geboorte
Bewuste conceptie, voedende zwangerschap, natuurlijke kraamzorg, holistisch bevalling & herstel, voeding voor gezonde kinderen & natuurlijk ouderschap.

The Inner Seasons
The cycle of the seasons is a Great Teacher of inner growth. It is Mother Earth herself living the example and nature teaching us how we transform, becoming more and more ourselves. Year round we let go (autumn), we become silent, connect and gather our visions (winter), bloom with creativity (spring) and show our full potential (summer). Through the combination of a shamanic ceremony, a teaching and techniques from depth psychology, you'll experience a small inner transformation as the season herself.

Liquid Breathwork
During this breathing session you learn how to breathe fully and relaxed, through the connected breath. This form of breathing increases your energy level, makes you more vital and healthier. It takes you from your head to your heart - from thinking to feeling.

Yin Yoga
By stretching and deepening into poses, we open up any blockages and release that energy to flow freely. A yin yoga sequence can help restore the healthy flow of Qi in our bodies.

Wild Woman Ecstatic Nature Dance
A Silent Disco Dance of our wildest hearts, from sensual feminine flow to wild women fullness! Embody and express your authentic self, connect from within, flow and express our inner ecstatic nature in dance, connecting to the outer world and nature. Be inspired and be moved by the elements. This is a dance journey of your soul, to be the full expression of yourself.

🌿 Marketplace 🌿
You are invited to trade or sell your hand-made products. This is a special thyme to honor our own and each other's art and handiwork. All items MUST be self-made by you or a loved one. If you will be bringing items for the Marketplace, please bring your own blanket to place your items on the ground. No tables provided.

🍄 Food 🍄

Our cook, Kennia Romero of Mindful Cooking, will lovingly prepare 6 vegan biological colorful meals. We begin with dinner on Friday evening and ending with lunch on Sunday. Bring your own lunch for Friday while we're all checking in and arriving. If you feel you need additional nutritional support beyond the the provided 3 meals per day, please bring snacks to sustain yourself for the weekend - there is no room in the fridges, sorry. If you have any specific dietary requests, please let me know in advance.

I understand that things happen and sometimes you may need to cancel. If you need to cancel your registration, it must be on or before May 26 to receive a full refund. NO refund for cancellations made after May 27 (or it is your responsibility to find a replacement woman to take your ticket).

🔥Follow our social media pages for updates🔥

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✨ In Closing ✨

Myself, along with our Plants Allies and Instructors are so pleased that you will be joining for this empowering and nurturing weekend. May this gathering strengthen and unite us in a way that nothing else does!


In the spirit of the Earth,
Nutmeg Baker

Vrijdag 09 juni 2023 om 12:00 tot zondag 11 juni 2023 om 15:00

Landgoed Ottermeer, Ottermeerweg 2, 4725 PZ Wouwse Plantage, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

“"All flourishing is mutual" Robin Wall Kimmerer”

In celebration of the power of plants, Herbalism, Women’s empowerment, the rise of the feminine, practical magic and sustainable lifestyles.


Soraya Bendel

June New Moon Women's Circle Zutphen

There is an incredible power in coming together with others to sit consciously to open your hart and connect with yourself, with each other, and what comes up. I celebrate Nutmeg for guiding these circles the way she does - personal, intimate, light, soft and safe. In very little time we went from laughter to tears and back. We learned and danced, thank you for creating that space <3

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Toetsie Lugtigheid

June New Moon Women's Circle Zutphen

The new moon circles feel like a warm bath and safe sanctuary to come to just as I am, to explore whatever that wants to be expressed and looked at. The room is cosy and feels supporting. Nutmegs teachings and ways of holding a circle feel very natural and real. The space feels safe to open up and share from the heart.

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Sacha Van Keulen

May New Moon Women's Circle Zutphen

Beautiful connecting experience with other woman and my own womanhood. Felt af ease to share from the heart ❤️ will come again

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Wild Roots Herbal Gathering | Ottermeer 2023

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