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Sound Energy Bath: Full Moon Release Refresh / Soundbath, Soundhealing

Vrijdag 24 mei 2024 van 20:15 tot 21:45

Bluebirds Yoga West | Yogastudio Amsterdam, Jan Evertsenstraat 4-8, 1056 EC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over dit evenement

Welcome to our Sound Energy Bath: Full Moon Release and Refresh.

A group healing session where we harness the energy of the full moon and use this moment to increase the positive effects of the Sound & Energy Bath on our energy, emotions and physical bodies. We focus on bringing light to and letting go of any lingering or dense energies and emotions, or any tensions in our emotional body, energy body or physical body. Whatever might be blocked or stagnant, or what no longer serves will be lovingly released.
This proces is supported by a guided meditation, energy work and the sounds and vibrations of the instruments. We work with visualisation, seeing, feeling, sensing to bring you more into contact with you own energy field and yourself. Together we go on a journey trough all that you are beyond the standard use of our senses, where seeing goes beyond your eyes, listening goes beyond your ears and feeling goes beyond the form.

We are also bringing in new, fresh energy to all our cells and energy field supported by light of the full moon and taking this forward into the days and weeks after the session. We will use intention setting to bring this fresh energy to the things in our lives that we like to manifest or grow, to support whatever we might dream of to come into being.
As we clear and refresh our energy fields and cells, we can tap into our heart and find inner guidance and intuition and re-establish the connection with ourselves, our hearts and souls.
Using a carefully curated selection of instruments with as central instrument the pure quartz crystal singing bowls accompanied by a curated selection which can be gongs, shamanic drums, chimes, bells, klimba and tongue drums, we craft a soothing soundscape that supports your healing journey. (The Sound bath is always curated to that moment and never the same).
My approach blends Sound Healing and Energy Work, with a focus on nurturing both the physical and "formless" bodies and dimensions, allowing for self-exploration and deeper insights and a general feeling of well being.

• Brings you in a deep state of relaxation (mind, body and soul)
• Reduces & relieves stress, anxiety, depression
• Increases sleep quality
• Brings creative focus
• Reduces pain & blockages
• Boosts immunity
• Can induce an altered state of consciousness
• Supports traveling into your inner worlds and other dimensions & galaxies or past lives
• Cleanses your energy field & replenishes your cells
• Supports transformation of emotions and energies

“The future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies“
~ Albert Einstein

Vrijdag 24 mei 2024 van 20:15 tot 21:45

Bluebirds Yoga West | Yogastudio Amsterdam, Jan Evertsenstraat 4-8, 1056 EC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Over de organisatie

We support human beings and promote being human by working with form, sound and energy for tranformation & healing.


Sandy Duijsens

Sound & Energy Bath: Full Moon Refresh / Soundbath, Soundhealing

Een hele fijne sound bath met voorafgaand een mooie meditatie waarin je uitgenodigd werd je intentie in te zetten voor de komende weken en maanden. Daardoor kreeg het geheel een extra dimensie, wat duidelijk voelbaar was tijdens de sessie; fijne warme golven van geluid.

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Miriam Hoogendijk

Sound & Energy Bath - Chakra Special / Sound healing

Het soundbath was heerlijk met n fijne groep. Wat ik erg vervelend vond was dat er mensen in de hal hard aan t praten waren tijdens n heel mooi stuk in t soundbath

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Brigitte Hendrix

Sound & Energy Bath - Chakra Special / Sound healing

Dit was zo’n fijn en bijzonder event!

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Sound Energy Bath: Full Moon Release Refresh / Soundbath, Soundhealing

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