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5 Day Truffle retreat

Thursday 04 April 2024 at 17:00 until Monday 08 April 2024 at 16:30

Teuge, Nederland

Over dit evenement

The cornerstone of our retreats is an incredible transdisciplinary team of skilled and experienced facilitators who's goal is to align you with your natural state of being. We will guide you all the way, from a decent preparation to a comprehensive integration. This retreat is designed to catalize life-changing experiences. With daily workshops for body, mind and soul, we provide a wonderful retreat to awaken your true potential at a phenomenal location, the Nature Temple.

We are dedicated to providing our guests the opportunity to benefit from the potential of the magic truffles to catalyse a life changing experience. For us it is not a job or a hobby, but a way of life. The main difference between us and other retreat centers is that we live at this place as well. You visit us as our personal guest, you are intemately involved in our off grid lifestyle and philosophy. You eat the veggies that we cultivate. so you can experience first-hand how it feels to live in closer connection to nature.

Nature Temple
The Nature Temple is a 140 m2 square work of art, organically built with thick trunks and curly branches, coloured glass and clay. It is a uniqye place and it is especially built for doing ceremonies for inner growht. The atmospheric place will surely contribute to the whole experience. The Temple has an outside ring where people can lay down during the ceremonies and an inside circle around the fireplace.

The group
We strive for groups of maximum 15 participants, both male and female and from different nationalities, therefore we speak English. ​
Many people are seeking a way to enrich and enhance their lives and reconnect with nature, feeling more and more enmeshed in impossible demands, pressure and stress, with a sense of being out of step with their true authentic self. If you feel that life has lost its magic or fulfillment, the path of psychedelics might help you to reawaken your spirit. All participants share more or less the same intention; to create a more rewarding life. In the trust and safety of the group you find recognition and many times friendships evolve from these shared experiences. The group stimulates you to develop your talents and deal with your challenges.

These retreats are meant for people with good mental and physical health. It is not offered as a substitute for medical or psycho-therapeutic care.

Pricing & reservation
A reservation always starts with an filling out an intake form. You can find this form on our website.
A 5 day retreat in the Nature Temple costs 1525€.
- 2 guided magic truffle ceremonies
- A daily program with workshops for improving awareness
- Detailed preparation guidelines and intake conversation when required
- Comprehensive integration program
- Personal coaching conversations with the staff
- 5 Days of biological vegetarian food, from our own garden whenever possible
- Transport from and to the train station or free parking
- Private lodgings, fully equiped, at our indoor camping
- A follow-up integration check and aftercare if required

The program
We offer a varied and supportive activity program during the whole retreat. Every retreat is slightly different, depending on which team members are joining and depending on the number of participants. You can be sure we offer you a balanced program set up to help you to prepare for or integrate the truffle ceremonies. This is an example of the retreat progam, be aware that this is not the actual progam! This is just to give you an idea of what you can expect.

Arrival between 16.00-17.00 hours
Practical tour, diner, introduction circle, individual coaching conversations/campfire/getting to know each other.

Breakfast, checking express, breathwork, lunch, pauze, medicine wheel ceremony, pauze, voice expression workshop pauze, magic truffle live music ceremony.

Breakfast, sharing circle, pauze, critical alignment yoga, lunch, stress release workshop, pauze, massages/free space, diner, massages/free space.

Breakfast, checking express, info second ceremony, pauze, free dance workshop, lauching meditation, pauze, magic truffle playlist ceremony.

Breakfast, sharing circle, pauze, lunch, integration workshop, group photo, departure between 15.00-16.00 hours.

Retreat Dates
5 Day retreats are organized from April till October. During the winter we have no group retreats.

April 4/8 2024
May 2/6 2024
June 6/10 2024
August 8/12 2024
October 3/7 2024

Thursday 04 April 2024 at 17:00 until Monday 08 April 2024 at 16:30

Teuge, Nederland

Over de organisatie

“Voor een onvergetelijk retraite vol inspiratie!”

In de NatuurTempel brengen we de mensen weer in verbinding met hun natuurlijke staat van zijn. Met 20+ jaar ervaring ben je bij ons in goede handen.

5 Day Truffle retreat

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