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The Rose Path: One Day Women's Retreat

Zaterdag 24 februari 2024 van 10:00 tot 17:30

Gîte Rural Hessemillen, 1 Hessemillen, 9364 Eppelduerf Ärenzdall, Luxembourg

Over dit evenement

The Rose Path: One Day Women's Retreat🌹

This is a warm invitation for a magical one-day retreat to unwind and connect with the wisdom of your heart, in a safe space guided by the medicine of the Rose.

On the February full moon we will gather in the beautiful space of Hessemillen in Luxembourg to sing, move, listen & create with what's alive in the moment.

A nourishing day for yourself to listen to the whispers of your heart & body and connect with a magical group of like-minded women.

The Rose flower is known since ancient times for its soothing and opening effect on the heart, opening pathways towards seeing more love within and around us. We will journey through the day with the heart healing energy of the Rose in the form of rose oil and tea. Our activities include intuitive movement, creative writing, singing & sharing as a way to open deeper layers of connection with ourselves and each other.

The location of our retreat is the beautiful, serene space of Hessemillen - set in the countryside of Luxembourg, about a 30 minutes drive from Luxembourg city. Surrounded by trees and a flowing river we will move, sing, share and listen to the whispers of the Rose.

Program includes:
opening circle with rose tea
intuitive movement and sound bath
creative writing
magical rose lunch prepared by Jerry from Art Selon Arrivage
nature walk
voice & song circle
closing circle


🌹 125 EUR - The Solidary Rose - this is a ticket for those with less to spend, who would love to join the retreat

🌹 155 EUR - The Standard Rose - this ticket is the fair pay for the one day retreat without extra contribution for other projects of Jeska

🌹 175 EUR - The Supportive Rose - this ticket is for those who can spend a bit more and includes the fair pay for the retreat as well as supports other creative and musical projects of Jeska

*if you feel a strong calling to be part of this retreat, but cannot afford the full fee right now, please contact Jeska for payment plans or another form of exchange by writing to:

The day will be guided by Jeska Onderwater: artist, singer-songwriter, yogini, creative workshop & ceremony leader from the Netherlands, now based in Luxembourg.

In 2020 she started receiving dreams about Roses and Mary Magdalene which lead her on a pilgrimage to England, France & Scotland. Her journey brought her to magical feminine power places and meetings with soulmates amongst which her life partner. It inspired her to work with the Rose as a plant, write new songs as well as include the magic of the Rose Path in her creative offerings.

Jeska has been sharing her music and creative guidance in yoga classes, festivals, retreats, workshops, concerts & ceremonies all over Europe for the last 10 years. In deep attunement with the whispers of the Earth and those of her own heart she creates safe, loving spaces for deep remembering and creativity to flow through.

For more info about Jeska and her music visit:

Zaterdag 24 februari 2024 van 10:00 tot 17:30

Gîte Rural Hessemillen, 1 Hessemillen, 9364 Eppelduerf Ärenzdall, Luxembourg

Over de organisatie

Artist, singer, (song)writer, creative workshop & ceremony leader from and for the heart ♡


Geeta Ketaruth

Flow: A Water Song Journey with Jeska Onderwater & Virginie Aurore

Just magical and beautiful Very nice synchronization between Jeska and Virginie. Nice to mention that at the time of doing the water offering outside at 22 00 , a bird was flying very low just above us. A kind of sign of the universe accepting our prayers just like when we were doing the Rose retreat during winter at Hessemillen there was a rainbow appearing. I felt that the universe reasonated with us during this water song journey. Thanks Jeska and Virginie Keep up the good job

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Martiene Van Dijken

Flow: A Water Song Journey with Jeska Onderwater & Virginie Aurore

Het concert werd uitgevoerd op een prachtige bosrijke locatie. Jeska en Virginie hadden de sfeervolle ruimte prachtig gedecoreerd met kaarsen en rozen. Er werd prachtig gezongen met een ruime variéteit aan instrumenten. Het was een mooi liefdevol concert. Op deze locatie dien je er wel rekening mee te houden dat je de volle tijdsduur op een kussentje op de grond zit. Gelukkig was er een fijne pauze die we mochten doorbrengen in de schitterende tuin en er werd ook kruidenthee aangeboden voorafgaand en tijdens het concert. Als een rode draad door het concert liep het mengen van water van verschillende herkomst wat na afloop aan de rivier werd geofferd. Een heel mooi ritueel. Zeker de moeite waard om Jeska en Virginie te blijven volgen

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Fabiola Mariani

Spring Equinox: Singing Circle - Belgium

Hi everyone, As always I enjoy listening and singing with Jeska. She has an amazing voice and the energy during the circles brings a lot of love, sweetness, support and for myself connect me with the feminine energy of life.

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The Rose Path: One Day Women's Retreat

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