Vrijdag 06 september 2024 van 13:00 tot 17:00

Vondelkerk, Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam, Nederland

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Praful & Vimal :: Shamanic Breath SoundJourney with Sacred Cacao

Early Bird Shamanic SoundJourney with Cacao (13:00 - 17:00)

A transformative musical journey into breathe, sound with the sacred cacao.

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€ 60,80
Praful Friends Ticket (2 tickets)
€ 100,80
Shamanic SoundJourney with Cacao (13:00 - 17:00)
€ 65,80
Early Bird Combiticket : Shamanic SoundJourney & Ceremonial Concert
€ 85,80
Shamanic SoundJourney & Ceremonial Concert with Sacred Cacao
€ 95,80
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