Saturday 22 June 2024 van 15:00 tot 23:00

Baarsjesweg, Amsterdam, Nederland

Koop je tickets

Red Play Party (Temple Night) & Sexy Chakra Exploration Workshop

Ticket Female Identifying Being

(she/her). Ticket for people identifying as woman/female.

Lees meer
€ 103,80
Ticket Other Identifying Being

(they/them/it/zey/zem/etc) Ticket for people identifying as non-binary, genderfluid, agender, pangender, bigender, etc. I.e. people NOT identifying as male/female. (side note: this ticket is not a replacement ticket when other tickets are sold out)

Lees meer
€ 103,80
Ticket Male Identifying Being

(he/him). Ticket for people identifying as man/male.

Lees meer
€ 103,80
Budget Ticket Female Identifying Beings

(she/her). Ticket for people identifying as woman/female. Budget tickets are meant for people with limited financial resources (e.g. students, people without jobs etc). You decide if this is for you. There are only a few of these tickets available. We trust your honesty.

Lees meer
€ 63,80
Budget Ticket Other Identifying beings

(they/them/it/zey/zem/etc) Ticket for people identifying as non-binary, genderfluid, agender, pangender, bigender, etc. I.e. people NOT identifying as male/female. (sidenote: this ticket is not a replacement ticket when other tickets are sold out) Budget tickets are meant for people with limited financial resources (e.g. students, people without jobs etc). We trust your honesty.

Lees meer
€ 63,80
Budget Ticket Male Identifying Beings

(he/him). Ticket for people identifying as man/male. Budget tickets are meant for people with limited financial resources (e.g. students, people without jobs etc). You decide if this is for you. There are only a few of these tickets available. We trust your honesty.

Lees meer
€ 63,80
Bring-a-friend (ticket for two)

For any constellation of gender, except M/M (unless you are a couple)

Lees meer
€ 199,80
Koop je tickets