Over dit evenement
Beste dansers,
We nodigen jullie van harte uit voor weer een nieuwe dansreis in Antwerpen!
A warm welcome to Ecstatic Dance! Surrender completely to your inner flow, and dive into the depth. A moment to give movement to what lives within you in this moment, to go deep, to connect, to dance, transform, to celebrate, to Be. Feel welcome, feel free!
Het programma:
19.00 Welkom met opwarmingsmuziek
19.30 Start Openingsceremonie
20.00 Dansreis met Dj Anoebis
22.00 Afsluitceremonie
We moedigen jullie aan om samen te rijden, met de fiets, te voet, of het openbaar vervoer te komen. Er zal ook ruime parkeergelegenheid zijn aan de zaal.
~ Energy exchange ~
€ 25,- via Hipsy vvk of aan de inkom contant bij niet uitverkocht.
Elke dans zijn er tickets aan sociaal tarief beschikbaar. Deze tickets zijn ook verkrijgbaar via Hipsy of stuur een bericht als je hiervoor in aanmerking komt. Enkel met ontvangen bevestiging of aangekocht ticket mogelijk ivm beperkte plaatsen!
We kijken er enorm naar uit om weer samen een dansvloer te delen, om beweging te geven aan dat wat er leeft in ons in het moment. De stilte en diepte in te gaan. Maar ook het leven voluit te leven, te vieren en in essentie samen te zijn!
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A warm welcome to Ecstatic Dance! Surrender completely to your inner flow, and dive into the depth. A moment to give movement to what lives within you in this moment, to go deep, to connect, to dance, transform, to celebrate, to Be. Feel welcome, feel free!
A unique dance experience, guided by music and sounds. We go on exploration, dare to be vulnerable and gently push our boundaries.
There are three simple basic guidelines to ED: "No shoes. No booze. No chitchat." So we come together connecting our bare feet to the earth, purely communicating through our bodies, and celebrating life in all its aspects!
We welcome you exactly as you are now! So you are entirely free to follow your own needs during the dance.
Each ED starts and ends with a ceremony / danceclass in which we make time and space to connect with ourselves, the others, the space, the vibrations, our intentions and the larger ED tribe.
The concept of ED arose in Hawaii and California, and has grown extensively over the years, weekly touching many hearts and bodies all over the world - including New York, London, Amsterdam, Ibiza, Berlin, Bali and Barcelona.
Come as you are, share as you wish, and create as you dream. We look forward greeting you on the dance floor during one of our events. Together we dance as a manifestation of love and peace on Earth!
▬▬▬▬▬ ★ PROGRAM ★ ▬▬▬▬▬
19.00 Doors are open, you are welcome
19.30 Start Opening Ceremony
20.00 Ecstatic Dance with Dj Anoebis
22.00 Closing Ceremony
~Energy exchange~
€25 via Hipsy or in cash at the entrance if not sold out.
Each dance there are social tickets available, please send a message if you qualify. Only possible with confirmation received or ticket due to limited places!
~~ Please be on time ~~
Inspired by & with the kind permission of Ecstatic Dance San Francisco and Ecstatic Dance World community.
This Ecstatic Dance edition is an initiative of NaturalBeing vzw.
See you on the dance floor !
Tuesday 21 January 2025 from 19:00 until 22:00
Liersesteenweg 314, 2640 Mortsel, België